The concept of herbal acne cures is gradually gaining importance as acnes are victimizing young people around the ages of 17 to 19 years.

Adoption of several herbal precautionary measures for the successful treatment of acne scars and preventable pimples has become necessary these days.

Nowadays, acne has become the most common form of skin disease usually occurring during the early puberty period.

Acnes are caused due the unfa- vorable swelling of the oil glands or sebaceous glands that surround the fine hairs on the face and chest.

Acne is definitely not something, which occurs on the top most layer of your skin. They are consequences of internal skin problems.

Thus, the treatments meant for the elimination of acnes and boils should be absolutely natural and effective so that your skin may regain its lost natural glow and exuberance.

Curing acne through means of herbs is something that can work for a lot of people- without the side effects of over the counter drugs and prescriptions.

The all-natural herbs can effectively reduce or prevent acne and occur freely in nature- so you know what you are putting in your body or face.

Agathosma Betulina

Agathosma betulina, or butchu, is a common herbal remedy. The leaves of this plant are used to make a tea, which is consumed. You should only consume the tea for a maximum of a week, and take a ‘break’ for another weak.

After this break, you can resume the remedy. It also aids in kidney infections, colds, inflammation, and bladder problems.

Haemafine Syrup

Haemafine syrup is a blood purifier that is used in many skin problems. It helps improve complexion and skin tone- and is great for nosebleeds. It can help people of all kinds of skin types- from dry, to oily, or anywhere in between.

Neem Capsules

Neem capsules can also help improve acne. Indians are known to incorporate the use of this product in everyday life- even going as far as putting it into toothpaste. It has even been used to treat diabetes, and gives skin a healthy glow. It has antibacterial properties, making it a formidable substitute to benzoyl peroxide. It can also help reduce inflammation, making it great for a basic anti-acne treatment.

Willow Bark

Willow bark is the source of salicylic acid- the main ingredient in many over the counter medications. Since willow bark itself is natural, you can find acne-fighting topical creams that are all natural, and still contain this powerful acne-fighting ingredient.

It may not be an herb, but it still falls under ‘all natural’, and free of harsh chemicals.

Chemical antibiotics don’t always have a lasting effect, since our body may build up an immunity to it. For this reason, herbal remedies are great for usage on acne.

These four all-natural herbs can do great work in relieving the dreadful condition of acne, but it can take longer than other means. Even though the effects take longer to see, they get the job done nonetheless.

Herbal Acne Cures and their Effects

Usually, an ideal herbal acne cure blend consists of equal parts of the herbal extracts of sarsaparilla, yellow dock, burdock and cleavers.

These herbs are essentially known for their blood purifying qualities. Half a teaspoon of this herbal acne cure blend, three times a day in combination with a regular healthy diet can successfully combat detrimental acne conditions.

One of the most effective herbal acne cure is an application of tea tree oil on erupted acne blemishes. Moreover, tea tree oil works awfully in combating bacterial infection and helps reducing harmful inflammations.

Herbal roots and plant extracts meant for curing acnes, boils and pimples are grinded and mixed well to create masques and washes. On application of herbal acne cures ingredients, your skin starts rejuvenating and gradually becomes normal and blemish free.

Today, you can easily get hold of several professional products having herbal contents and compositions.

Herbal medications are in most cases mild, having long lasting effects and are usually without any harmful side effects.

In Australia, the tea tree oil derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia, have immense anti-bacterial qualities and work wonders on acne-affected skins.

However, herbs chamomile, dandelion root, juniper and lavender when successfully combined in different ratios have amazingly benefited multiple acne-affected individuals.

Other herbal acne cures include hazel as an excellent astringent, red clover as an estrogen and pokeroot as anti-inflammatory especially for skin lesions and pimply eruptions and boils.


If you are looking for alternatives to chemicals and other potentially harsh treatments, ask your doctor about the four alternatives mentioned.

Be sure to keep exfoliation of the face in your acne fighting regimen, it is very important. Along with proper face washing, herbal remedies can get the job done just as good as the chemical counter parts can.

Author's Bio: 

I’m Ashley Mcclain, a Montana mom blogger, wife to a loving husband, and mom to two incredibly amazing kids.