Many have a question regarding what exactly a heart valve re-placement means. Well, it means that in this case, the surgeon open the chest of the patient and the heart to remove the damaged valve with a new one. The new artificial valve which is inserted has to be sewn in the place of the damaged valve. In many cases, the surgeon does not even have to open the chest for replacing the valve. This method is known as minimally invasive surgery. Here the damaged valve is replaced by making a small incision near the breast bone of the right chest muscle.

One can get to know the cost of aortic heart valve replacement in India by asking the surgeon or the heart surgery special hospitals. The time of the operation completely depends on the critical situation of the heart and the patient.

One has to take a bit of preparation before they undergo this operation. In fact, the surgeon will make the patient feel easy about it. Heart valve replacement surgery is mainly done by doing three toes of incisions. The one which needs a mini incision is known as the ‘minimally invasive surgery’ and here the incision is done in the breast bone under the right pectoral muscle to assess the heart valve. But when this procedure takes place, the heart will be temporarily stopped and the patient will be kept on a heart or lung machine support which takes over the breathing and blood circulation of the patient lying on the surgery bed. There are certain other procedures which can also perform the beating heart and it completely depends on the surgeon that which procedure will be perfect for the patient.

These days most of the surgeons use the minimally invasive technique if possible and it is an easy and scientific process to replace the damaged heart valve with a new one. Once the operation is done, it potentially reduces pain but it takes a certain recovery time.One is kept under monitor for a few days post operation to check whether there is any kind of problem arising. Like all the other surgeries, this one is also not absolutely risk free. But the level of risk depends on the health condition of the patient and the criticality of the valve disease. It also depends on the age of the patient as well.

It may occur that the patient can suffer from Endocarditic. This is a very rare but serious condition where the inner lining of the heart gets infected. But this is a very rare case which may happen.

If one goes through a mechanical valve replacement then one needs to take anticoagulant medicine. If one has a tissue valve replacement then the period of medication might be shorter. But one should not take any medicines on their own post operation.Transcatheter aortic valve replacement cost may differ from the other kind of valve replacement surgeries. One has to check that and ask the concerned surgeon about that.

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My self Lucy Jones , and I'm Guest blogger. My skills which gives you small ideas on understanding all the concepts with different areas .