One of my favorite things to do is spend time with good friends and family . As barbecue season is in full force, you can often find us sharing stories and laughter in the back yard while someone mans the barbecue. I normally get out of that duty myself, as my barbecue skills are somewhat limited. But I do get involved with the preparation. So, this month for a change I thought I’d share some healthy outdoor eating options.

Instead of the usual beef burger, why not try making your burgers with lamb instead. Try my lamb burger recipe at . Lamb is one of the most easily digested meats. And often the lamb you can find at the local butcher’s has been grown in a nearby field without chemical interventions! Even lamb from the supermarket is often from New Zealand ( ) where they have strict regulations around farming.
Top the burgers with goat cheese instead of cheese slices ( ). Cheese slices as nutrition in my opinion is seriously questionable! They contain high amounts of salt and are often full of chemical additives. Go natural and try some goat cheese. Goat cheese is easily digested and many people who are dairy allergic are able to tolerate some goat products in their diet .

I then like to top this off with some caramelized onions (my recipe at ). Apart from tasting fantastic, onions are a great blood cleanser. There are many claims for the health benefits of onions, including their anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.Instead of a beer, how about washing down your burger with a nice glass of red wine? Red wine is high in anti-oxidants and is a great digestive aid. There have been a number of studies indicating that drinking red wine helps heart health. (Oh, and don’t forget to drink your water--more info at .)

Don’t fancy alcoholic beverages? Try making a nice lemonade and adding some lavender to the mix. Not too much, as it can taste soapy. A little lavender will make your lemonade a little more special and will be more soothing to the digestive tract than the traditional lemon alone. Or if you are feeling adventurous, try our Rosemary Lemonade recipe .

And any meal outdoors is topped off well with a nice dessert. Once August arrives many people seem to think that berry season is over. So, the strawberries and raspberries have passed, but my favorite fruit is just coming into its own. That’s the blackcurrant! Warm up some blackcurrants and pour over vanilla ice-cream. Soooo yummy! You can pop some peaches on the barbecue and add them to this for added fiber, vitamins C and A, and lots of other nutrients too. Blackcurrants are great for your kidneys, are high in anti-oxidants and vitamin C. I personally like a little brandy mixed into the blackcurrant mixture. It does help with digestion!

Please do try out our recipes and suggestions, and let us know how you get on.

Author's Bio: 

Reprinted with permission by Health Steps, the School of Complementary Therapies Newsletter. Jacqueline Fairbrass is the founder of the School of Complementary Therapies, a leader in the field of CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) education. For more information go to or , call 206.201.2764 SCT is the Educational Division of Feeling Absolutely Fabulous LLC