Chronic prostatitis affect men physically and mentally. Because its etiology and pathogenesis are very complex, it has not made a breakthrough, although the current research has been in-depth.

For patients with prostatitis, many people have long-term frequent urination, urgent urination, burning sensation after urination, defecation, or urethral whitening after urination. Even some patients will have pelvic sacral pain, which seriously affects their quality of life or sleep. For a long time, the patient's spirit is highly nervous, making them in a terrible sub-health condition.

For chronic prostatitis, treatment is necessary. For patients with chronic prostatitis, antibiotics can be selected if there is a bacterial infection. If it is nonbacterial, herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill will be more appropriate than antibiotics. It can not only eliminate the symptoms but also cure the condition from its root causes.

An optimistic attitude can also play a vital role in reducing disease symptoms, promoting rehabilitation, and preventing recurrence.

Chronic prostatitis is not an incurable disease, but it has a long course and is easy to relapse, but it can be cured. After spending a lot of time, energy, and money, many patients have no obvious remission of symptoms, so they lose the confidence to heal psychologically and even call it "immortal cancer," which seriously affects their daily life and work.

If you recall carefully, you will find that the fluctuation of symptoms is often closely related to emotion and mental state. When you are in a happy mood or more engaged in work and study, you often feel that the symptoms are alleviated, or even you can't feel the pain; When you are depressed, you feel more pain, so you are more depressed. It forms a vicious circle.

It can be seen that it is indispensable and helpful for patients with chronic prostatitis to strive to adjust their mentality, maintain an optimistic attitude towards life and establish confidence in overcoming diseases.

In addition, patients also need to maintain reasonable living habits .

In life, men should pay attention to maintaining regular work and rest, ensuring adequate sleep, avoiding staying up late, and preventing the decline of immunity caused by irregular life or excessive fatigue. They should avoid drinking alcohol and eating spicy food and should not drink strong tea or coffee in terms of diet . Usually, pay attention to drinking more water and urinating frequently. It is conducive to the excretion of prostate secretion and preventing infection.

Moderate physical exercise can regulate mood and promote physical recovery, but not too intense. Walking, jogging, and radio gymnastics are suitable forms of exercise . The exercise of abdominal, perineal, and hip muscles can promote the blood and lymphatic circulation of the pelvic cavity, conducive to the regression and absorption of inflammation.

Long-time sitting and cycling are easy to cause prostate congestion and induce prostatitis. Therefore, people who sit and work for a long time or ride for a long time should pay attention to activities and rest.

At the same time, regular sex life is also essential for treating chronic prostatitis. Many patients have concerns about sexual life, worry that the disease will infect their spouse, or think it will aggravate their condition, so they live a long-term abstinence life.

In fact, frequent sexual excitement without ejaculation will increase the secretion of prostate fluid and accumulate in the prostate, becoming a "hotbed" of bacteria. On the contrary, moderate and regular sex life can promote the discharge of prostate fluid, help the regression of inflammation, improve the quality of life and improve the psychological state of patients. However, men should prevent excessive sexual life.

Today, with the rapid development of society and the increasing psychological pressure, some patients are mostly introverted, too careful, sensitive, suspicious, and even slightly neurotic. Once they have unprotected sex, drink alcohol, and excessively masturbate, they occasionally have lower abdominal discomfort or abnormal urination, and they think they have prostate disease. They are worried and at a loss all day.

In fact, it may be just transient prostate congestion. Many of these men do not have prostatitis or can be diagnosed as "tension prostatitis." Therefore, such patients must maintain a good attitude . Comprehensive and accurate diagnosis and medication are essential, but patient preaching and psychological counseling will play an irreplaceable role.

A mild psychological disorder can be completed through the doctor's explanation and guidance and improving their understanding and psychological state. Severe psychological conditions, such as depression and anxiety , need to see a psychologist in time. By adjusting to a psychologist and taking symptomatic drugs, many patients can be well relieved.

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