Participants of the HCG Diet have long suffered from dry, chapped lips during the month they are on the HCG Diet . Use of normal lip balm, lotions, or other moisturizers is prohibited while on the HCG Diet because they can severely hinder weight loss, according to Dr. A. T. W. Simeons who created the diet .
The reasons why traditional personal care products cannot be used during the month the participant is on the HCG Diet are explained in Dr. Simeons’ manuscript, Pounds and Inches Away: A New Approach to Obesity (available for free download at ). He states that “…fats, oils, creams and ointments applied to the skin are absorbed and interfere with weight reduction by HCG just as if they had been eaten.” As a result, many dieters find themselves having to go without the use of certain items such as lotion and other moisturizing products in order to have maximum weight loss while on the HCG Diet.
But Tiffalina’s HCG Diet Safe Lip Balm, along with the other products in the Tiffalina’s collection, are changing how people experience the HCG Diet. Tiffany Prinster, CEO of DIY HCG and HCG Diet author explains, “With HCG-safe lotion, HCG-safe shampoo and conditioner, and now HCG-safe lip balm, an entire aspect of the most difficult part of the HCG Diet is getting easier than ever before.”
The HCG Diet works by combining Dr. Simeons’ Very Low Calorie Diet (made up of a short list of very specific foods), with HCG, a supplement, and following a list of guidelines including refraining from using or touching any products containing fats or oils. Participants generally see weight loss results of 20 to 30 lbs in about a month.
Tiffalina’s HCG Diet Safe Lip Balm is specifically formulated for use on the HCG Diet. It does not contain any fats, oils, juices, or extracts aside from petrolatum, which is considered safe for use as it is derived from the same source as mineral oil which is allowed on the HCG Diet according to Dr. Simeons. Petrolatum, like mineral oil, is not water soluble and does not absorb into the skin.
Do-It-Yourself HCG has helped tens of thousands of customers to attain their HCG weight loss goals by providing reliable products and expertise since 2008. They are an industry leader in effective weight loss solutions and support relating to the HCG Diet.