Guided Reading Strategies For Kindergarten: How To Teach A 2 Year Old To Read

When you decide to teach your child to read, there will be many choices and decisions that you will have to make; when I decided to home school my son, and by extension to teach him to read, there are many things that I wish I had known beforehand.

It took me a long time in my experiment to get my son to read by himself and I could have shortened my journey a lot if I had known any of the following:

You need a reading system

There are already many reading systems in existence; each using a different reading method. Some use sight reading and others use phonics, most have themes to keep your child's attention.

What I have learnt in choosing a reading method is that it must include both sight reading and phonics; and in the right order. Sight reading allows you to teach your child the many common words in English (words like their, I, the, people, etc.) that cannot be sounded out and phonics allows your child to read more complex words by themselves.

There are different levels and stages for using each method and it must be done in the right order; sight reading first then phonics. In this way you can easily have your child reading their first book within a month and reading entirely by themselves within a few months.

What can you do to teach your child to read? Is it possible to make your child become a fast and fluent reader?

To learn the advanced strategies to teach your child to read at a proficient level, simply click here .

I wish I'd known when I started out that the right reading system is essential and that most reading systems are either phonics or sight reading based, so that there is always a shortfall in your child's reading ability; unless you use a system that encompasses both methods at the same time.

I would have started earlier

According to cognitive psychologists, children are primed for learning between the ages of 2 to 5. I began teaching my son to read when he was 4 years old and using my reading method. If I'd been aware of this window of opportunity I could have begun teaching him to read at a much younger age and he could have progressed a lot further in his reading ability a lot earlier.

I would not have been so afraid

In looking back, I can now see that teaching your child to read is easy and I would have gotten started sooner if I hadn't been so afraid of messing it all up. There was a time that I worried about knowing how to do it, whether I could actually do it, how much of my time it would take and how long it would take for him to learn to read.

Knowing what I know now, I would have gotten started a lot sooner.

Teaching your child to read is actually one of the simplest and most rewarding tasks a parent can undertake. With a little advice from those of us who have gone before you, you can undertake this duty with confidence. Just remember, use the right system for both you and your child, start as early as possible and don't be afraid; no-one is more dedicated or qualified than you to teach your child to read. All it takes is a bit of patience and your love.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover how you can teach your child to read in just 12 weeks. Children who learn to read and develop fluent reading abilities early on has a huge advantage over their peers who did not have the opportunity to learn to read early. I think this is something that all parent should put to consideration seriously. If you believe that teaching your child to read and helping your child develop proficient reading skills is the key to future success, and if you wish to help your children develop to their fullest potential... then I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page - Click Here

Your baby can read early if you start right from birth. Teaching your baby to read early will give your baby an amazing head start in life not only in reading but in learning . The first three years of life are the most important for teaching essential pre-reading skills and for brain development in general. These pre-reading skills are vital to the reading process and without them it is impossible to learn to read well. Some researchers think that dyslexia could be caused by not learning these pre-reading skills early enough when the brain is primed and ready to learn.

Reading makes your child SMARTER, here's how to develope early reading skills

Being able to read well is a complex process. It involves being able to see and hear sounds and letters and to see and hear the differences between sounds and letter. This is called visual and auditory discrimination and it is the cornerstone of reading skills. Reading also involves memory for how the letters correspond to the sounds. The more you stimulate your baby's brain with language by talking and with pre reading games and activities the better. Read to your baby every day. Sing and dance to music and rhythms. Recite poems with rhyme and repetition to reinforce the language patterns of the language your baby is learning. In other words, surround your baby with language in all its forms: written, spoken, and printed at every opportunity. This can be done right from birth, and if you do this you can certainly be sure your baby will learn to read easily and fluently.

67% of all Grade 4 students cannot read at a proficient level! According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, of those 67%, 33% read at just the BASIC level, and 34% CANNOT even achieve reading abilities of the lowest basic level! To discover a fantastic system for helping children learn to read that has been used by countless parents just like you, visit Best Technique to Teach a Child to Read

Teaching very young children to read is not a simple process, but it doesn't have to be difficult either. With a simple step-by-step reading program, you too, can teach your child to read at an early age and help your child achieve superb reading skills. To discover a super simple and powerful reading program that will show you how to easily teach your child to read - Click Here

When we read, we decode three totally different alphabetic codes simultaneously:

1. Phonics Code for reading consonants. (letter-level skill)

2. Syllabics Code for reading one syllable words and stressed vowels. (mono-syllable-level skill)

3. Homophonics Code for reading unstressed vowels in multi-syllable words. (multi-syllable word-level skill)

When we are LEARNING HOW to read, we do NOT need to learn all three codes at once... which is today's practice. Nor do we need to learn two codes at the same time. It is far easier for the beginning reader to tackle and master these three codes just one at a time. Step by step mastery of definite decoding skills builds confidence instead of anxiety in the beginning reader's mind.

Letter Level - Phonics Code for teaching students to READ the Consonants

A student still struggling with 'reading the consonants' is not ready to learn to read vowels and words.

Use flashcards and marker board:

1. Drill your young reader over and over asking for the NAMES of all the letters of the alphabet.

2. After the student masters step 1, remove the vowel letters from the flashcards: a, e, i, o, u. Ask the student to 'READ' each consonant letter as you randomly present each flashcard. [To READ the letter 'b', the student reads: /buh/... not the NAME of the letter: 'b'.]

3. After the student masters step 2, you 'read' the consonant letters randomly. Ask the student to write the consonant letter you read. [You read: /buh/... (s)he writes: b.]

Children who cannot read proficiently by grade 3 are four times more likely to leave school without a diploma than proficient readers - Here's How to Teach Your Child to Read Fluently

4. After the student masters step 3, make flashcards for the consonant blends: ch, ph, qu, sh, th, wh. Ask the student to 'read' each consonant blend as you randomly present the flashcard. (To read the blend 'ch', the student reads: /chuh/...not the names of the letters 'c'-'h'.)

5. After the student masters step 4, you 'read' the consonant blends randomly, ask the student to write the blend you read. [You read: "chuh"...(s)he writes: ch.]

Make sure your beginning reader makes zero mistakes for all 5 steps at the letter level. If (s)he is struggling with even one letter or blend, drill until (s)he overlearns everything.

After mastering the 5 steps above, your beginning reader is ready to begin learning how to read the vowel letters: a, e, i, o, and u.

Because students haven't been taught clear-cut vowel reading, or decoding, or pronunciation skills, beginning readers develop compensatory skills such as guessing, memorization, using picture clues, using context clues, etc. to figure out how to read the vowel letters. When these unreliable skills are replaced with definite, predictable, reliable vowel decoding skills, the beginning reading student develops confidence in his/her ability to actually 'read' each word. [Clarification: Student's may use picture or context clues to figure out the MEANING of a word...but these are not reliable skills for learning how to 'read' the vowel letters.]

Many in-service teachers are not knowledgeable in the basic concepts of the English language. They do not know how to address the basic building blocks of language and reading. - This is NOT a statement that we are making, rather, this is a finding from a study done at the Texas A&M University. Their study was aptly titled "Why elementary teachers might be inadequately prepared to teach reading." To discover the scientifically proven methods, that will enable you to teach your child to read, and help your child become a fast and fluent reader, visit Approaches to Teaching Reading

Learning to read is a long process, but it doesn't have to be a difficult process. Broken down into intuitive and logical steps, a child as young as two years old can learn to read, and older children can accomplish even more. For a simple, step-by-step program that can help your child learn to read - Click Here

And not try and bring in new any ideas for teaching reading. The tried and trusted methods of teaching reading have already taught many, many children so why experiment with new ideas. The number one idea you should be using is reading in bed as often as possible. This way your children get into the habit of reading and hopefully they end up with a love of reading. With so much competition for your child's free time they need a love of reading so they will keep reading.

Another good idea for teaching reading is phonics. Phonics has been teaching kids to read for well over a century and it is very effective. Phonics are a road map to reading, they are the code to deciphering the written word and once your children know phonics they should be able to read anything. I like the Montessori method of phonics but there are many good phonics programs available online and off.

After your children have mastered phonics they can read nearly everything but they don't always understand what they are reading. That is where you or a good dictionary comes in. To save your sanity it is s very good idea to teach your kid's how to use a dictionary or else they will be asking you what this word means all the time. Another good idea for teaching reading is to ask your children to tell you about the story they have just finished reading. This way you will know if your kid's reading comprehension is progressing the correct way. So the good ideas for teaching reading are reading in bed as often as possible, phonics and reading comprehension.

What are the chances that my child will be a poor reader? Find out here!

Teaching reading takes time and effort and the best practices are usually what the students like to do. If you are teaching at home you have more freedom and can use whatever best practices you like. But if you are in school you have to follow the politically motivated school rules and they are not always in the best interest of the child.So sometimes you just can't use the best practices in teaching reading.

Teaching reading using phonics has been around for over a 100 years because it is possible one of the most effective best practices in teaching reading. But it is sometimes not in vogue and then teachers have to put up with whatever best practices are currently circulating around the school boards.

To me the best practice in teaching reading is the Montessori practice of teaching reading. If you have problem readers or student who are getting left behind then bring in the Montessori sandpaper letters and watch the students transform. The only problem is it is not really designed for the classroom. But if you can arrange the classroom in groups with a good reading student in charge of the groups you can use it.

The best students will learn to read no matter what best practice is in use. So we have to concentrate on the students who are having trouble learning to read. And that is where Montessori comes in or you could try a internet based phonics program as they are also very effective.

Poor reading ability and literacy skills lead to reduced opportunities in life, and worse yet, "being illiterate is a guaranteed ticket to a dead end life with no skills and no future." For a step-by-step, easy to follow, and easy to understand lessons along with stories, rhymes, and colorful illustrations to make you and your child's learning to read process a fun, engaging, and rewarding experience - Click Here

When reading to your child, read slowly, and point to the words that you are reading to help the child make a connection between the word your are saying and the word you are reading. Always remember that reading should be a fun and enjoyable activity for your children, and it should never feel like a "chore" for them. Click here to help your child learn to read

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Now you can teach your child to read and make him or her develop critical, foundational reading skills that puts them years ahead of other children....even if they are having difficulties at learning to read! Visit Techniques for Teaching Reading

The first few years of life are the most important and critical for the development of literacy skills, and having a literacy-rich environment at home will ensure your child becomes a successful reader. Aside from reading to your child, specific instructions and teaching must be used to teach your child to read. For a simple, step-by-step program that will help you teach your child to read, visit Best Way to Teach Reading

Reading Makes Your Child Smarter, and Your Child Misses a GOLDEN Opportunity, If You Do Not Teach Your Child to Read Now. Discuss your child's reading problems on our forum. We can help you easily teach your child to read! Go to: Reading Forum