Communicating with friends and family in the home may seem an entirely different proposition from communicating with coworkers and clients in a business environment, but many of the same skills that help you impart information in the latter setting work brilliantly in the former as well. Here are some tips to sharpen your verbal communications skills in the home for your family .

Remember, especially with family , that you need to talk with, not talk to your family members. Conversation needs to be a two-way street, not a one-way avenue. Do not be the verbal bully of the family, imposing yourself upon everyone else.

LISTEN RESPECTIVELYAlong the lines of the previous point, remember it is always best to talk AND listen, respectively, to what your family members have to say. Be considerate, be attentive, absorb what is being told to you, and never judge your family member. Give them the benefit of the doubt, and at least let them finish what they need to say before going into what you want to say.

Always temper your demeanor when talking with family, don't accuse your family members of things that upset you, because such accusations shut down communication prematurely, and nothing ends up being communicated. Always try to relax, and actively listen carefully to what others are trying to tell you, and take a moment before respond if you are upset, so as to respond as rationally and even-temperedly as possible.

DON'T THREATENAlong with the previous point, don't threaten a family member, verbally or physically, as this will quickly and completely shut down communication beyond usefulness. Try to state any concerns you have with a given topic as evenly and dispassionately as you can manage, and try your best to not be angry with your family member.

USE HUMORHumor is a great tool to use to diffuse any tense situation, and it also works wonders in non-contentious situations to keep a conversation light-hearted and fun. Keep the humor light, and fun, and never, under any circumstances, make jokes at a family member's expense, for that will cause undue consternation and hurt feelings, and it will ensure that all future attempts at meaningful communication are essentially shut off. Being funny and humorous doesn't mean you have to be mean or a jerk. Make it fun, and include everyone.

Once you follow these five tips, you'll develop good verbal communication skills and be on your way to happy relationships at home with your family.

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