One of the best things that I have ever done in life is to go within. Since doing this a whole new treasure trove of wisdom and fulfilment has found me. Don’t get me wrong I still encounter life’s challenges from time to time, but they now don’t seem as challenging as I am in the knowing that no matter what happens it is more than likely happening for a greater good in the long run.

I know for a fact that when I am on a frequency of happiness and contentment more happiness and contentment comes my way. Every now and again I may put a request out there for something I desire and then I do nothing other than act on the opportunities that present themselves to me. The universe is in motion bringing to me whatever it is that I have requested. This is not always a good thing because if I truly feel and believe that something not so good is going to happen then that will find me also. Also it is worth bearing in mind that we must be careful what we wish for as the sacrifices we may have to make to make way for the delivery of the desire may not be worth it in the end.

However it is worth remembering that sometimes negatives happen to make way for more positives. Or maybe sometimes we are being tested by a messenger to receive a gift bigger and better than your everyday requests.

Going within does not necessarily have anything to do with religion , although many people use religion as a vehicle to guide them through the tough times and to sent off more frequencies of happiness thus attracting more joyous moments to them. It is very logical when you think about it. Also positive energies combined are very powerful and for the greater good of humanity if more and more groups come together with the aspiration of positivity then positive things will happen.

Others may access meditation for a more connected intense experience. Stillness and an empty mind help cleanse the soul and get rid of the entire toxic gunk that has accumulated there over time. A poem that I recently read written by Jodi Davis sums it all up in a few short but inspiring words

Go within or go without by Jodi Davis

Life is a school with one lesson to learn
a major in Love is what I'm talking about.
You won't find it out there in the desert
You must go within or go without.
We spend years crawling in dry sands
scorched by the desert's burning heat.
Until we look inside our heart's
we're left yearning for something we can't see.
Fed by an ego afraid of being forgotten
it whispers that it knows the way
When you turn from the voice of ego
Love reminds you, you're already safe.
You can only discover the sweet embrace of Love
through learning to love your Self.
Then you will find it easy to begin
now you are free to love everybody else.
We are all "one" in reality
when you find pure Love you'll have No Doubt.
Yet you can make this discovery only one way
you must go within or go without.

Another thing that I discovered when I went within was forgiveness . This I discovered and embraced as it is truly a gift to me and no-one else. Through forgiveness I have opened so many doors that I had shut over the years and it gives me a glow inside when I think about it so I knew that forgiveness is good for me.

The Glow

The glow is like my spiritual guide. It lets me know when I am making the right decision. It can be mistaken for excitement but when you learn to recognise the glow it will be an invaluable way of being guided by your spirit. I have recently realised that this is what Jesus was talking about when he referred to the Holy Spirit. As a child I used to think that it was a dove with a shining light beaming behind it sort of experience but I now know that this is an inner glow guiding us through life and must be respected and listened to if we wish to travel the right path for us in life.


Love is divine, love is healing, and love is all powerful. I could go on all day about love. It frees us to connect with others. When we open our heart chakra we are inviting and sharing ourselves with others which I believe to be the true path to fulfilment. When we feel true love for another it is healing. Have you ever thought about why a mummy kiss is all healing? I know I have, us mums pump so much love into that kiss that it actually helps our children heal. I never cease to be amazed at the power of this healing love. When we believe and the child believes that all will be well then it will; as no fear or doubt is harboured. I feel that this also applies to all aspects of healing and life in general. We all have the ability to heal and be healed through divine love and unwavering belief.


When I say strength I don’t mean the physical type, I am thinking more strength of character. As we are human we all have strengths and weaknesses, that’s what makes us interesting. Strength comes from within and helps us through tough challenges that we all face at some time or other throughout life. It is our strength that keeps us sane and keeps us filled with hope and trust that all will get easier and that life is good even though it may not feel that way sometimes. It is our strength that helps us bounce back maybe even wiser than before we stumbled.

We all have a creative side. When we don’t express our creativity in the way that is unique to us all then we will find it hard to ever be fulfilled. For me creativity comes in the form of writing and drawing, I just love expressing myself this way. Other people use music sports and other mediums as a vehicle of self expression. But all in all it comes from the same creative source within to begin with just a different avenue is explored to express it. The world would be a boring place if we all expressed our creativity in the same way, would it? I like t think of creative expression as the rainbow that beams right around the world sprinkling droplets of love and hope and happiness and making way for the sun to shine.

An affirmation found me when I was in the middle of writing this article and I thought that I would share it as it encompasses the essence of what I feel

“I allow myself to trust in the process of life and what I need comes to me easily and effortlessly”.

My advice if you want to go within is don’t force it. It will happen naturally when you are ready. You need to slow down and listen to yourself. Don’t have miraculous expectations in your mind. My experience is more of everything clicking together and a feeling of safety and awareness. So don’t forget: Go Within or Go Without.

Author's Bio: 

Hi My name is Karen, I write for and Universal mind magazine. I have also written and released a novel 'The Visitor' which is spiritual novel dealing with the subject of miscarriage. I have studied in the area of Humanities and I have experience working in the Mental Health sector and also with learning difficulties and challenging behaviour. I like to think that my work offers my readers an alternative trail of thought. I do hope that you enjoy.