A steam shower is an alternate kind of bathing that sprays you with water

vapour before, during or after a regular shower. The water vapour is formed

through a humidifying steam generator. Nowadays, steam showers can be found

in spas, gyms, and even private homes.

The materials used in this kind of shower are very similar to those used in

many steam rooms in health clubs. Stone, wood, glass, tile and even acrylic

products may be used to make the enclosures for the shower. Steam showers

need moisture-sealed enclosures in order to stop water vapour from escaping

the shower area and damaging paint, wallpaper or drywall in the restroom.

Cold water is channelled into a steam generator, warmed to a boiling point

and then sent to a steam head. Its temperature can be regulated.

Although they are called steam showers, it is actually water vapour that is

generated and used for bathing. Actual "steam" would surely harm your skin.

Nevertheless, water vapour is still very warm and care should be taken in

order to avoid physical contact with the steam head, from the point the unit

is "on" to one hour after it is switched off. Steam shower units are usually

available in two types, but may be set with a wide array of optional


Because of diminishing cost, steam showers have become more possible for

home installation. An existing bathroom shower or shower stall can be

transformed into a steam shower by just adding a steam generator. The

generator should be connected to a drain, either beneath or at the bottom of

the shower, to eliminate excess water. Alternatively, there are separate

steam shower units.

If you prefer to convert it, you need to pay for the installation of the

steam generator including its electrician and plumber, the price of a

moisture-sealed new door, stall, shower-door installer, tiling contractor

and any of the additional such as a pump for aromatherapy oils. A ready-made

steam shower is quite expensive, but only need the plumbing and wiring

hooked up.

A modern steam shower comes with a range of gadgets in order improve the

shower experience. Digital controls within the shower allow the user to

regulate steam duration and temperature. Aromatherapy is another well-liked

addition. There are also some models that provide music and lighting


When finding the suitable steam shower for your home, it is imperative to

consider the speed of the delivery. The best models will only take less than

two minutes to develop a good head of steam. Typically, some steam shower

model comes with a remote control that provides convenience in regulating

the temperature, and an auto-flush that decrease the deposit of calcium on

the heating elements.

Steam rooms are well-known for their various benefits. The steam makes your

body sweat, increases your heart rate and metabolism, and opens up pores.

Sweating helps in your body's removal of toxins. After having steam shower,

your skin will also become healthier and softer. Increased circulation and

growing blood vessels have also a revitalising result.

The mild, humid heat of water vapour helps open and relax the bronchial

tubes and lungs, benefiting those with sinus, asthma and other respiratory

diseases. Having a stem shower can also help decrease arthritis symptoms and

joint pain.

Although there are numerous benefits that you can get using a steam shower,

it is not suitable and advisable for everyone. You should first consult a

doctor before using or trying a steam shower. If you are elderly, pregnant,

have diabetes, heart disease and poor health, you should avoid using a steam


Bathers should take a lukewarm shower before using the steam. It is also

suggested to steam shower for no more than 14 minutes at a time, before

cooling off with cool water or room-temperature air. Moreover, drink plenty

of water all through the process. If you feel uncomfortable, nauseous and

dizzy, stop the shower.

A steam shower can be a magnificent way to relieve stress and relax your muscles. Having a steam shower is a perfect way of unwinding after a hard or long day and can now be done in the comfort of your own home.

Author's Bio: 

Diane Kirby is the lead author for the UK based Wholesale Shoe Reviews website. Diane's primary responsibilities consist of article authoring, content creation and comment moderation for the review site. Diane has been working as the primary author both this site and many others for a number of years.