Prostatitis is a common disease in urologic surgery, with a incidence ranging from 6% to 32.9%. Under the influence of infection or mental factors, abnormal immune function, pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and other non-infectious factors, it becomes a disease characterized by pelvic region pain and discomfort, abnormal urination and other symptoms in males after puberty.

Prostatitis has four major symptoms:

1. Abnormal urination

It includes frequent urination, urgent urination, endless urination, dribbling urination, urethral burning, weak urination, urine bifurcation, white urethral dripping and so on.

2. Pain or discomfort in the genital area of the pelvis

It includes ejaculatory pain, urination pain, distension and discomfort in lower abdomen, pubic area, perineum and other area.

3. Decreased semen quality and sexual dysfunction

Some patients have decreased semen quality and sexual dysfunction, including low libido, poor erectile function, abnormal coital ejaculation duration and so on.

4. Psychological symptoms

Having prostatitis for a long time can be easy to lead to fatigue, insomnia, depression, anxiety and other mental symptoms. These mental problems can make the patient magnify urinary symptoms and affect their life quality, which will aggravate prostatitis in turn.

The common treatments of prostatitis need different drugs according to the patient's specific symptoms, knowing whether it is infectious and what the type of microbial infection is. Generally, patients with prostatitis can six common treatments to choose.

1. Antibiotics

Bacteria can be cultured in 5% to 10% of the cases of chronic prostatitis. The most common bacteria is Escherichia coli. In addition, about 45% of the patients have atypical microbial infection (such as ureaplasma ureide, chlamydia, gonococcus, unknown microorganisms), which can not be detected by ordinary culture examination. Both conditions belong to infectious prostatitis, and antibiotics can help. There are also nearly half of patients with prostatitis which is not caused by infection, so the use of antibiotics has no effect.

According to clinical observation, most people have no obvious adverse reactions after 4-6 weeks of antibiotics. A few people may have some adverse effects, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and headache and so on. More than 60% of people are at higher risk of severe adverse reactions. Therefore, antibiotics are recommended for people aged 18 to 60 and should be avoided for those aged over 60.

2.Alpha-receptor blockers

Alpha-receptor blockers (such as tamsulosin), which are abundant in the urethra, the neck of the bladder and the smooth muscle of the prostate, can reduce the excitability, relax the urethra of the prostate, reduce resistance, and improve urinating discomfort and pain symptoms. They are essential drugs for the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

3.Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers

For patients with prostatitis featuring more severe pain symptoms, oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory painkillers, such as celecoxib, can relieve pain and discomfort.

4.M-receptor blocker

M-receptor blocker inhibits the contraction of detrusor of bladder, relaxes smooth muscle, and alleviates the symptoms of frequent and urgent urination. It is suitable for those patients who urinate very frequently but do not have difficulty in urinating. The representative drugs are tolterodine and solifenacin.

5.Antidepressants and anxiety medications

For the presence of mental symptoms such as depression and anxiety , prostatitis can be diagnosed and treated with psychiatric cooperation, while using antidepressants and anxiety drugs at the same time.

6.Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

TCM has certain effect on treating chronic prostatitis. For example, the herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill produced by Dr. Lee Xiaoping is of great help. It adheres to the principles of the holistic treatment of TCM, which can efficiently eliminate urinary symptoms and relieve painful symptoms. Its effect is working on the whole genitourinary system with no side effects and it doesn't lead to any drug resistance.

Choose corresponding concomitant method according to the patient's specific condition, and keep on it. Prostatitis will be cured in the end.

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