Bring them on, baby. Colorful evening gowns, dazzling jewelry, snazzy shoes and hairdo to go with the make-up that was to kill for.

My friend Audrey made the above extravaganza possible to none other than, are you ready? To homeless girls. Ones for whom attending the prom was only a dream.

Audrey relates why she did this: “At 17-years-old, I was 5′ 7″ tall, weighing 97 pounds. I wore hand-me-down clothes three sizes too big (my older sister was short and chubby). Prom time came and my friend’s older sister lent me a dress, a neighbor lent me her long slip, another friend did my hair, my mom lent me a necklace and earrings (she didn’t have much).”

Years later, Audrey became immensely successful as a corporate executive. But, she remembered her prom experience. Her heart was tugged and voila! She turned her memories around. She turned her trial to a sweet treasure and a blessing for homeless girls.

Hey chicas out there. You might be wearing second-hand happiness . Not the real thing. Life nags at your and you don’t possess the sparkle that only God’s joy brings.

You can change that. Here are five ways to turn your own trials to treasures:

Remember that the sad spot you’re in has a purpose, a reason and a good that will come…right now it’s in God’s secret place.
Know that each moment of trials don’t compare to the treasures He will bring.
Seek for something that’s good, something that is positive. And invite joy back because you know God’s promises are true—true for you and in your circumstance.
Understand that you will go through it simply because God’s grace is enough, truly enough to get through it.
Wipe off that feeling of self-pity. Trust me; (speaking from experience) it messes up the make-up in our heart.
God is the perfect escort to the prom of all proms. The music of victory is playing. He’s directing the steps. And He’s leading you to the banquet where joy is served.

“I tell you the truth; you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy” (John 16:20).

Father, how often I played the poor-me drama of life. But I thank you for granting me the dazzling shoes of faith so I may walk on the path of victory. I may dance to the song that comes from your promise, and follow your lead taking me from mourning to joy and turning my trials to treasures. In Jesus’s name I thank you.

What sad circumstance is leaving you empty?
What will bring you a new vision to see the tomorrow He has prepared for you?
Have you planned to use the treasures He will bring to help others?

Author's Bio: 

Where I Came FromReading was my Mom’s passion. And she was fascinated by Mark Twain’s Tom Sawyer and his adventures on the Mississippi River. Her dream to visit those places came true in 1964 when my family and I, at 12 years old, left Bolivia and settled in St. Louis, Missouri.

My Life NowMy best friend and wonderful hubby, Gene, and I live in Orlando. We delight in the love from our two grandchildren, from our son Jason and his wife Rachel, and our middle son, Jeff. We wait in joyful expectation to the day when we’ll reunite with our youngest son, Joe, in the glory of heaven.