The ability to successfully set your goals is one of the most useful skills to have if you want to succeed in the game of life. Are you going for unachievable goals that you don't feel that passionate about? Are you forever giving up on things that you have just started out on? It can be easy to get disheartened, but the good news is you don't have to feel that way!

If you go about things in the right way, you can achieve goals that really matter to you.

One of the most important things to remember about goals is that your goals should be yours. By yours I mean not the goals that your parents, family , friends, have for you. But the ones that you feel motivated towards.

The ideas other people have for you may not be the same as what you really want for yourself.

So think about what's important to you! What will really bring you happiness ?

Maybe your goals might comprise of things like:

• Being happily married
• Buying a house
• Attaining a college degree
• Having children
• Becoming more spiritual
• Starting your own business
• Learn something new
• Helping others
• Travelling the world
• Having material wealth
• Physical and mental well-being
• Write a book

After you have figured out what goals are important to you it is then time to work on bringing them into reality. The following tips will greatly help you in realizing your goals.

1. You need to always keep your focus. Find pictures in magazines that motivate you to take action towards your goals. You need to take daily action towards your goals. It doesn't matter what the action is just as long as it brings you that little bit closer to achieving your goals. Any problems that you come across find solutions to them, so that you can quickly go back on track. Remember getting discouraged won't change anything.

2. Be flexible in your in your approach. By that I mean be open to change. Remember goals aren't set in concrete. If you to decide to change what you set out to do and set a new goal, that doesn't mean you've given up on your goal. It only means you've realize that your outcomes, or goals need to change, just as everything changes.

3. Set reasonable time-frame around your goal. A few goals can be accomplished in a day or a week, but more complex goals can take months or years. The thing to remember is when you set goals, it's imperative to be sensible about how long you think they will take to achieve. If they are too far away in the future, you might be tempted to procrastinate, or you may not be motivated to start at all. And if it's too soon, you might get frustrated and disheartened if you don't reach your deadline on time.

4. If you have a big goal the best thing to do then is to divide it into small easy steps. Each small step that you achieve will bring you closer to your ultimate dream. Set a deadline for each of these small steps. By doing this, you'll always be advancing, one step at a time towards your dream. For instance if your goal is to start a home business your first step would be to look into what kind of business that would be suitable to run from home. Then you would need to look into all the legal requirements then on how to finance it etc. Completing each of these steps would bring you closer to your goal.

5. Never give up! If you read about all the self-made people none of them ever gave up. Too many people give up way to soon. Never realizing just how near they were. The thing is you could be nearer success than you think!

Put all these tips into action and before you know it you will be enjoying the fruits of your labor. Good luck!

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About the Author:

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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