The very nature of a man drives him to conquer, protect and provide. With that being said I wish to conquer wrong thinking many women may have entertained and protect you from harm by providing you with information that could prevent you from getting hurt and damaging your relationships. When the knight in shining armor makes his grand appearance in your life these are the five destructive deeds you definitely want to avoid:

1. The Controlling FactorIf you want to send red warning flags to your potential prince this is the fastest way to do it. A woman that is given to demanding his time, attention and thought life will come across like a python squeezing the oxygen from his very soul. Drilling him with questions and feeling the need to know his every move though out the day will not build trust but will distance him at best.

2. The Changeling This routine that comes into play when the woman is not satisfied with every aspect of who the man is and she makes every attempt to change him into who she thinks he ought to be. By playing this game you will destroy his self-esteem and drive him into the arms of another woman who may actually enjoy him just the way he is. If he is worth keeping, then learn to love him for who he is inside and out including his faults.

3. The Creativity Killer This pattern is something that can be easily avoided once it is recognized. People tend to gravitate to routine but when this is allowed to creep in un-noticed, it affects every area of the relationship quickly. This is when the woman forgets to make life special. She just stops trying to go the extra mile. Guys don’t need much, but what they do need is simple. Taking the time to create a special meal with candle light will keep his attention. Surprising him with a sexy outfit or a date that you planned especially for him will speak to his heart and make him long to be with you! In other words if you want him to keep coming back for more, variety is the key!

4. The Chronic Cackle This is when women talk too loud; too fast or too much without even realizing that the dream date has disconnected from the conversation and is mentally in Bora Bora with the babe at the table next to you. Enough said?

5. The Clingy Caterpillar This is the gal who feels she needs to express her undying love to the man too soon. This is a move that is sure to drive him out the door. Guys like independent thinkers who don’t really need a man to make them complete but would be a great compliment to a strong man. The clingy caterpillar tends to wiggle her way into every area of the man’s life without being invited. Guys move slower than gals and want to be the one to initiate the intertwining of their lives. If the cling on insists on this behavior Mr. Right won’t stick around long enough to see you evolve into the beautiful butterfly you were always meant to be!

If you have discovered that one or more of these deadly deeds have been the culprit in your past, then recognize it, release it and get ready to embrace a new way of doing things! No condemnation here. We all make mistakes. My intention is to shine light on the lesson to be learned and assist you in breaking free from destructive patterns that may have held you back.

Author's Bio: 

Jonathon Aslay is a Dating and Relationship Coach who is a Heart Protector for Women and a Guy Spy into the male mind.
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