So many of us have spent years and years searching for our soul mates, getting frustrated, never realizing that finding your soul mate with hypnosis could even be a possibility. This makes much more sense if you think about it as a journey of self-discovery.

After all, that is a soul mate? A person who, when we meet them, seems to fill all the holes in our life, makes us feel whole and fulfilled, who seems like the “other half” we've been searching for. If we don’t' truly know ourselves, how can we possibly recognize this special person when they come along? This is exactly where hypnosis can help.

Finding the Soul you Want to Match

How many of us can truly say that we know ourselves? Unfortunately, in today's fast-paced world, with so much value and emphasis placed on material things, not very many. It is a very lucky person who can honestly say that they know exactly who they are, at the deepest levels.

If we don't really know ourselves, how can we find our soul mates? We've all had relationships which were wonderful for a short while, then just fizzled out. This often happens because one or both partners change, and the other person won't or can't accept that change. However, couples who are true soul mates rarely have to worry about this. These couples connect on a much deeper level than mere shared interests. They know each other to the core, and as long as that core remains the same, the relationship will remain a happy one.

Hypnosis can be an excellent tool in helping us find our true selves, which makes it unbelievably easier to find our soul mates.

Hypnosis to Find Our Souls

This is actually a rather common request of people seeking out hypnotherapists, or looking into self-hypnosis. As a society, many of us are just plain sick of the materialistic values of our world, and we're seeking a much deeper connection to ourselves, our higher power, or to other people.

Identifying our true self, or soul, through hypnosis can help us identify where we truly stand on moral, ethical and fundamental values. This knowledge makes it much easier to find our soul mates. If a couple can agree on these vitally important values, then small annoyances, such as a preference for football over ballet, become pretty unimportant!

How it Works

Hypnosis, very simply, is a state of extremely deep relaxation . Different questions and suggestions will be posed to you. Since these questions and suggestions are directed right to the subconscious mind, the answers are much more honest, and the suggestions are absorbed much more readily.

Our subconscious is like a powerful computer, running our bodies and, to a large extent, our conscious minds. However, our conscious minds are so distracted, most of the time, by small daily details that it's hard to pay attention to the subconscious.

For an example of this, think back. Have you ever had a problem you just couldn't figure out the answer to, or been asked a question that you were certain you knew the answer to, but just couldn't “spit it out?” Chances are, as soon as you stopped thinking about the problem or question, the answer suddenly popped into your head! This is a perfect example of how powerful the subconscious mind really is, and how ready it is to help us out. We just have to learn how to listen.

During hypnosis, you'll be put into this deep state of relaxation . Since you're interested in finding your soul mate, your practitioner will likely ask you some questions, probably related to issues which you consider important in finding a mate. They might have to do with religious beliefs, social issues, or personality traits, in others and in yourself.

The answer which you come up with while in a deep trance are likely to show your true feelings much more accurately than the answers you might provide while wide awake and alert.

You can use these answers to realize who you really are, on a deeper and higher level. Once you've gone through this form of hypnosis to find your soul mate, you can be confident in all your dating endeavors, knowing exactly what and who you are looking for!

If you're interested in learning more about how hypnosis can help you find the love of your life, continue reading here:

Or check out our Love Profiler here:

Author's Bio: 

Since the mid 1980′s, Steve G. Jones has dedicated his life to hypnosis and helping people lead better and more incredible lives. The breadth of his knowledge is wide and for over 20 years, he’s helped clients with almost any condition you can name: weight loss, anxiety, smoking cessation, exam taking, phobias, anger management, pain control, business and sales confidence, and many others.
So if you’ve ever dreamed about taking control of your life, living your dreams, and channeling your energy and focus towards fulfillment, abundance, confidence, and happiness, Steve is ready to help you.
Studying at the University of Florida in the 1980s, Steve completed his degree with a focus on cognitive psychology and understanding how people learn. However his experiences have since expanded greatly and Steve is now a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and counseling, a master’s degree in education, and is now completing his doctorate in education at Georgia Southern University.
Steve’s practice has taken him into business settings, medical and psychological circumstances, and a variety of other difficult situations where he has helped individuals and groups overcome their limitations, fears, pains, and problems.
He has also worked extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best in a highly competitive market.
Currently, Steve is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy.