I remember recently hearing someone complain about how she lost her house because her 7-year Adjustable Rate Mortgage expired and the payment went up. The way this woman was talking, I figured the payment increased at least a thousand dollars. Curious, I asked, "Wow, how much did it go up?" and she replied, "One hundred dollars."

She and her husband lost the house for one hundred dollars a month. Now there's just one word that comes to mind for this: Stupidity! For just one hundred dollars, they lost their home and had to move from place to place with their young kids (who, of course, were completely traumatized by the lack of stability, school changes, and constant upheaval.)

Why didn't this couple, who were in good health and had each other to bring in two incomes, get resourceful and just do SOMETHING to create that small amount of money? (By the way, I need to tell you that they both had decent jobs; neither one of them was unemployed.)

Surely he could have mowed two lawns a month to keep their home. (And believe me,anyone who can walk can mow! For many years, there was a well-loved fellow here in Chapel Hill who owned and ran a really successful landscaping business--and he was armless! He created success from what he had rather than lamenting what he didn't have!)

There is no excuse for being poor. Even if you're in a body cast or paralyzed, you can be successful, as the mouth and foot painting artists have proven. (Any doubt about this? Go to www.mfpausa.com and invest in a painting. Keep this in a prominent place in your home or office so when you feel like sitting on your pity pot, you'll get off your arse, as Shakespeare would say, and DO something proactive.)

Look at yourself! Chances are, you have all your limbs, you're in good health, and you've got food, shelter, people, and pets who love you. And more than that, you've got a bevy of life experience and knowledge that no one else has.

Hey, it's time to get off your ass-et! (Couldn't resist that...) Take a good hard look at yourself. Are you being lazy about something that could save or make you money? What do you need to rearrange in your life so you can really be prosperous?

Maybe you hang out with people who are always complaining about not having enough money (Ahem, maybe you're one of those people). Maybe you won't remind your friend about the money she borrowed and promised to pay back two years ago. Maybe you are guzzling or smoking your money in the form of alcohol or cigarettes.

What do you need to change? Call a friend who loves you enough to give you a gentle butt kick and tell them now! And ask them to hold you accountable. Make them promise that they'll keep nagging you until you change your poverty-riddled habits to prosperity -attracting ones. It's your life. Aren't you tired of making excuses?

Author's Bio: 

Professional speaker and coach Dr. Barnsley Brown loves helping people like you save thousands of dollars and start living the life of their dreams! Check out Dr. Brown's exciting e-book and audio package, Get Out of Debt and Get On With Your Life, at http://www.spirited-solutions.com/products/books/