Hair loss is not a problem that’s limited to men. Female hair loss is a more severe problem because it affects women not only physically but psychologically too. The usual knee-jerk reaction is to buy a hair regrowth product, generally the first one that’s visible to them from the hundreds lined on the shelves of cosmetic stores. It only serves to aggravate their problem because the wrong choice of hair care products can damage hair even more.

Treating a woman’s hair loss problem is more complex than doing it for men because you have to find out the precise reason for hair loss. There are many myths associated with women’s hair loss. First, unless you are undergoing extreme emotional turmoil, your hair loss is most likely not happening because of stress. Thinning hair is more likely caused by pregnancy , poor dietary habits, crash dieting, excessive hair styling and even emotional abuse . In such cases, a hair regrowth product may work but then again, it is better to consult a hair specialist than venturing out on your own to buy one.

Is Your Hair Loss due to Too Much Styling?

In some cases, sensitivity of your hair follicles and the hormones in your scalp can cause hair loss and thinning. Topical treatments are usually recommended for such conditions. You can rule out any underlying hormone problems with proper blood tests. If hormonal imbalances are ruled out, then your hair loss can be because of the exposure of your hair to the harsh elements or excessive heat from some hair styling methods. In such cases, hair care specialists generally recommend Keranique hair product.

Keranique hair care system is specially developed to target thinning hair in women and contains clinically tested ingredients that rejuvenate hair. The system contains a volumizing conditioner as well, which protects hair from humidity and extreme heat from styling products. It can be used on color-treated hair according to hair stylists because this Keranique hair product is pH-balanced and sulfate-free.

Choose a Treatment System that Works for Your Hair

You must bear in mind that finding the root cause of your hair loss problem is imperative before you start any type of treatment. There are literally hundreds of hair lotions, oils and creams on the market and almost every one of them claims to be the magical cure you are looking for. It is apparent that most of them are out there trying to cash in on your situation. However, there are a few treatments that actually help in dealing with hair loss in women.

Keranique is a popular hair care system and heavily recommended by trichologists for women’s hair loss because the system is formulated specifically to work with a woman’s biochemistry. Keranique hair regrowth product contains Minoxidil, the only FDA approved treatment for hair loss. It has been shown to help stop hair loss in women and re-grow thicker looking hair.

Author's Bio: 

Keranique hair care system contains a hair regrowth product which is a proven way for women to be free from embarrassing hair loss. Keranique hair product contains clinically tested and safe ingredients that improve your hair’s luster, volume and smoothness.