In the past few years programmers have succeeded in making websites, web applications and web services more dynamic with the help of ASP.Net. ASP.Net was launched in the year 2002 with version 1.0 in the group of .Net Framework and as a successor to the Microsoft’s Active Server Pages i.e. to the ASP technology. The XHTML ASP.Net has helped to create web pages that can conform and enhance the usage of XHTML standards. Now this helpful application has entered its fourth phase and launched its 4.0 version in 2010. Complying with the tradition of better the advantages with the growing number of versions has been excellently executed in this case too.

The 4.0 version of ASP.Net has been launched as a full version of .NET Framework. This full version has been mainly attempted to overcome the drawbacks of version 3.5. The biggest concern in case of Asp.Net 3.5 was its dependability on version 2.0. Now this problem has been completely vanished with 4.0 where you can clearly use this version in creation of application pool in IIS due to its fresh consolidation of assembling and configuration settings. This has also raised the ease and outcomes in regard of XHTML Development for different web applications and web pages. Another field that has immensely benefited from this new version of ASP.Net is the functionality of core engines.

The improvements brought forward in the ASP.Net application is related to different web forms. This has made things easier for ASP.Net developers in converting files from HTML to XHTML too through the XHTML support facilitated by it. Now the configuration process of web files is also cleaner and customized than before. This ease of configuration includes module mappings of various web server versions providing default web configured files.

This version has also launched the ability to create multi-target configured files which means that a singly configured file can be transformed to several others on the basis of a sophisticated replacement rule that involves XSLT syntax’s Visual Studio and Web Deployment tool. The purpose behind introducing this feature was to create a master configuration file that could be broken into smaller and customized versions by simply applying some specific elements and attributes in that master file.

All the above improvisations brought in the ASP.Net 4.0 version has been given through a CLR base that is a common language runtime that allows the programmers to write ASP.Net code with the use of any supportive .Net language.

Author's Bio: 

The author is a highly professional and an experienced Content writer who publishes for Business Development. Visit at to know more about XHTML ASP.Net and HTML to XHTML with XHTML Development.