Feeling of difficulty or decrease in bowel movement is medically termed as constipation. If left unconsidered, this health disorder formed due to disturbance in digestive tract can give rise to several risks in future life. Multiple causes contribute in forming this health disorder. Common causes leading way to constipation include irregular diet schedule, low amount of fluid content in body, weak abdominal muscles and low fiber rich diet . Treatments are usually prescribed after knowing the right cause of problem. At present, there are lots of remedies available for treating this digestive disorder. Intake of date syrup is one among the best recommended natural cures for relieving constipation troubles.

In order to achieve best result, it is advised to intake dates in conjunction with boiled milk after dinner. This natural cure improves digestion process and prevents the risk of constipation safely. Apart from improving digestive function, regular intake of date syrup with milk improves the overall health and wellbeing of person.

Aloe vera, one among the common ingredients in ayurvedic medicines is a safe herbal cure for constipation. It allows easier stool passage and relieves the risk of constipation naturally. You can easily get aloe vera from market in the form of capsules, extracts and gels. Nowadays, it is a commonly prescribed herbal cure for those patients suffering from constipation problem. It enhances digestion and returns your bowel functions safely without inducing any adverse action on user. Candida fungal infection is a common cause reported for the formation of gastrointestinal disorder. Use of aloe vera capsule retards the growth of fungus and improves the functioning of intestinal organs. For attaining best result, those patients suffering from intestinal disorders are advised to intake aloe vera capsule twice per day.

Including fiber rich food items in diet schedule is a natural technique suggested for curing constipation troubles. Some among the best recommended food items with high fiber concentration include fresh fruits, whole grains and green leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce. Licorice root is found to be as a very effective herbal cure for constipation. This herbal supplement has been used for centuries for the treatment of stomach upsets. For attaining best result, those people suffering from constipation troubles are advised to intake licorice root in conjunction with jaggery and warm water. It can be described as perfect home remedy for treating constipation and other stomach upsets.

Similar to licorice, drinking a combination of orange juice and olive oil is an excellent herbal cure for treating constipation troubles. Those people suffering from severe constipation problem are advised to include a good amount of olive oil in their diet schedule. In order to achieve best result, it is advised to intake a tablespoon full of olive oil in empty stomach. This home remedy improves digestion and prevents the risk of constipation naturally. You can also intake olive oil in combination with lime juice in empty stomach. For attaining maximum result, it is advised to practice regular exercises in conjunction with the use of olive oil. Arozyme capsules, phyllium husk, cassia, chebulic myroblan and haritaki are other herbal cures for constipation.

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