Dear Friends

Part XXXIII - Some early morning thoughts:

. Heard about the solar powered aircraft 'Solar Impulse' that will fly around the globe from Zurich? If so, why not cars, A/Cs, computers?

. Nothing is impossible for a brave heart! - French Proverb - À coeur vaillant rien d'impossible!

. How can private investment in renewable energy and energy efficiency more than triple, revitalising the global economy with green jobs?

. New energy economy is: investment source for sci-tech, driver for jobs and economic growth, base of energy security, counter to climate chaos!

. A dose of adversity is often as needful as a dose of medicine! - American Proverb

. Good? If renewable energy grows at present rate of 7% annually then new-tech will meet less than 2% of total global energy demand in 2020.

. At 7% pa rise in renewable energy use, world will remain mostly dependent on fossil fuels in 2020 and climate chaos will continue unchecked.

. God helps those who rise early! - Spanish Proverb - A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda!

. Unless pace of innovation and investment in clean energy is hugely accelerated now, it is not possible to provide energy security by 2020.

. Excellent GigaTon Report: Redefining What's Possible for Clean Energy by 2020: Job Growth, Climate Change, Energy Security

. Immediate, stable policies and increased investment are needed to support the necessary, aggressive scale up in clean energy. - Gigaton Report

. Calmness is the virtue of the strong! - Italian Proverb - Calma è la virtù dei forti!

. On old horses, one learns how to ride! - German Proverb - Auf alten Pferden lernt man reiten; What are they?

. Too much color blinds the eye Too much tone deafens the ear Too much taste dulls the palate Too much play maddens the mind.

. Too much desire tears the heart. Sage provides for the belly, not for senses; lets go of sensation and accepts substance.

. Since the Sage follows Tao his emotions do no harm; it is not that they lose their power but that they do not hurt others.

. Practise no-action! Attend to do-nothing! Taste the flavorless! Examine the small! Multiply the few! Return love for hate!

. Soft overcomes hard, Formless penetrates impenetrable, Value taking no action, Teach without words, Work without action!

. Alive and dead abstract from growth; Difficult and easy abstract from progress; Far and near abstract from position.

. Strong and weak abstract from control; Song and speech abstract from harmony; After and before abstract from sequence.

. When Beauty's recognised in the world Ugliness has been learned; When Good's recognised in the world Evil's been learned

. Sage controls without authority, teaches without words; lets ALL rise and fall; Nurtures, doesn't interfere; Gives without demanding; is content!

. ONE Creator.Name Truth.Sole Doer.Fears None.Without Hate.Never Dies.Beyond Birth-Death.Self-illuminated.Realised by Master's Grace.Ever True! - Mula Mantra (Root Chant)

To witness the One-in-All, and the All-in-One! To listen, learn and love!


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All "Early Morning Thoughts!" can be found at The Holistic Quantum Relativity Group:

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