No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.--Eleanor Roosevelt

Read this quote and remember it. Every time you tell yourself you are not goodenough, you are allowing yourself to feel inferior. There is an old saying out there that God doesn't make 'junk' – and you are not junk.

I have at times let negativity of others seep into my mind, body and spirit and as I always look back on those expereinces – it has always made me horrilbe. I would doubt myself, feel insecure and at times, it would make my pralyzed and not be able to make a decsion.

My mother used to tell me 'never let any one steal your joy' - your joy is your inner love for yourself – your feeling of positivity. Every time you let someone else’s negativity break through and wound you, you are allowing yourself to feel inferior. Every time you tell yourself your hair is mess, you’re too fat, you’re too short, you’re not smart enough, you are allowing yourself to feel inferior.

By allowing those feelings of inferiority to dominate, you are gradually chipping away at the person you are. You will slowly lose sight of your true self. And youwill end up in a downward spiral of negativity.

I am not saying it is easy. At times it is far from it – especially if the person or situation that is making you feel inferior is important to you – it takes work – but has to be a conscious effort to not anyone make you feel inferiour – don't let them steal your joy.

You can turn things around. Even if you have been struggling with self-esteem
issues for a long time, it is never too late to make a change.

There are many things you can start doing to boost yourself esteem. For instance doing daily affirmations, meditating, lookinng in a mirror and talking postively to yourself – the list is endless. Here is link ( )
for you to get you started on your jouney and to start boosting your self esteem


Author's Bio: 

Ophelia is a spiritual life coach who specializes in love and relationships. Believing that "in order to love someone we must first fall in love with our authentic selves", Ophelia places special emphasis on helping you develop a conscious love relationship with yourself. Ophelia's expertise is rooted in both her professional experience and her education: she has led over 4,000 online intuitive consultations and she is trained in psychology, life coaching and metaphysics. Her practice is characterized by her sassy sense of humour, practical problem solving skills and genuine interest in inspiring you to Dare, Dream, Design, and Do to REALIZE YOUR VISIONS™.