Physiologically, the seminal vesicle is located behind the bladder while upon the prostate gland. In clinic, seminal vesiculitis is a very common disease, which can be usually concomitant with prostatitis .

Generally speaking, the acute seminal vesiculitis can be triggered by bacterial infection related to the seminal vesicle. While the chronic type is usually induced by long-term uncured acute symptoms. Experts say that seminal vesiculitis is not a contagious disease , while it may lead to male infertility to some extent, which can seriously affect the family plan.

The common symptoms of seminal vesiculitis are as follows.

1. Frequent, urgent and grievous urination: Sufferers with seminal vesiculitis need to urinate frequently and urgently, while the excruciating symptom is obvious, accompanied by dysuria, discomfort and burning sensation.

2. Hemospermia: It means blood smen. The semen will be pink or red with blood clots during ejaculation.

3. Various aches: Sufferers with acute seminal vesiculitis have lower abdominal ache, which usually involves the perineum and both sides of the groin. For sufferers with chronic seminal vesiculitis, dull ache in the superior pubic area will appear, accompanied by various discomfort. The ache will be aggravated during the ejaculation.

Surely, sufferers with seminal vesiculitis do have an awful experience of urination. And because of the inevitable ache, their sexual experience can be impacted as well. In serious situations, it is able to lead to male infertility.

Seminal vesicle neither produces spermatozoon, nor stores spermatozoon. However, when seminal vesicle gets infected, it is likely to impact the secretion function of seminal vesicle, thereby reducing sperm motility. With less sperm or no sperm, male individuals may be infertile.

However, seminal vesiculitis is not venereal, which is less likely to infect the female. You need to notice that seminal vesiculitis usually follows urogenital infection. If you don't obey the doctor's advice strictly, it will make the disease more difficult to treat.

How to cure seminal vesiculitis effectively?

The key to the therapy of seminal vesiculitis is to identify the type of invasive bacteria, and receive targeted bactericidal therapy. And for the chronic seminal vesiculitis, the long-time therapy is necessary and important. In many cases, the herbal formula Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill produced is proper for sufferers with seminal vesiculitis.

It is a pure Chinese medicine, featuring no side effects. And it is able to terminate all kinds of viruses and bacteria, to better solve inflammation and dispel ache. It reacts well on both seminal vesiculitis and prostatitis. Persist in the medicine, you will get cured in the end.

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