The Pinnacle hip replacement is a total hip replacement system manufactured by Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, DePuy Orthopaedics. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) in 2002, the DePuy Pinnacle Acetabular Cup System was the predecessor to the now recalled DePuy ASR XL Acetabular System and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System.

The DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement is a total hip arthroplasty intended to provide increased mobility while reducing pain in patients with damaged hip joints. Like the ASR hip systems, it appears that patients who received the DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement face an increased risk of hip failure because the DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement systems have design defects that can lead to severe pain, dislocation of the hip implant and hip replacement failure. Although the DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement implants were not part of the August 2010 ASR hip recall, they are also metal-on-metal devices, and therefore may carry many of the adverse side effects commonly experienced by ASR hip implant recipients. Due the defective design associated with metal-on-metal implants, as with the ASR hip systems, many recipients of DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement implants have had to undergo painful revision surgeries.

Side Effects Associated with DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement Implants

Common side effects associated with DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement implants include:

• Pain in the groin, hip or leg
• Swelling and inflammation
• Limping

Additionally, patients who received the DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement implants should be aware of symptoms associated with metal toxicity. These side effects can manifest outside of the hip region and include symptoms related to their:

• Heart (chest pain, shortness of breath)
• Nerves (numbness, weakness, change in vision or hearing)
• Thyroid (fatigue, feeling cold, weight gain)
• Kidney (change in urination habits )

DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement Systems Received FDA 510(k) Approval

Similar to the ASR hip systems, the DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement system received FDA approval through the expedited 510(K) process, which only requires a manufacturer to show that its medical device is substantially similar to devices available on the market. Manufacturers are able to bypass pretrial testing and FDA inspection. The DePuy ASR hip implant recall and its aftermath is a prime example why this process is dangerous to the safety and welfare of the public. If DePuy had been required to undergo the standard approval process, it is probable that the severe hip replacement complications stemming from the metal-on-metal implants would have been detected and not been cleared for patient use. Perhaps the DePuy ASR hip implant recall and the disastrous aftermath could have been avoided altogether. However, because of the lack of adequate safeguards with the 510(k) process, the DePuy ASR hip implant recall was issued after 37,000 individuals received the defective prosthesis – many of whom are now dealing with serious hip replacement complications.

DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement Lawsuits

If you or a loved one has experienced any problems because of a defective DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement, you may be able to file a Pinnacle lawsuit seeking compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages and more. Contact one of our lawyers today for a free and confidential DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement lawsuit evaluation. The lawyers at Bernstein Liebhard LLP have extensive litigation experience, and have recovered billions of dollars for their clients. In addition to being staunch advocates for your claim, our DePuy Pinnacle hip replacement injury lawyers also provide personal attention to guide you through the complex litigation process.

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