“If you think that health is Good, have a clear idea of how sweet joyous health would feel.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins

“Today I declare myself healthy. My health is the providence of God. I am well.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis

I know and appreciate the magnificence of the Universe. I know that the Universe is filled with infinite possibilities and that God moves through me, in me, as me. I know I co-create with this Divine Presence within me always even when the manifestation is something I presumably don’t want to occur in my life. I know that this energy, this power, this presence works through you just as it works through me. I liken the walls of my mind to the vacant walls of a gallery. Why would I consciously hang pictures that do not support the life I choose to live? I know my health, my wealth, my state of being and my connection to all that is has everything to do with the pictures I allow myself to create and hang in my mind. Today I inspect the pictures displayed in my mind and decide which ones I leave as an affirmation and which ones I consciously take down – release and let go. I know that any picture mental or otherwise that does not support my well being I no longer choose to hold on display. Nothing can be solved by worry, fear, or regret no matter the dis-ease whether we are struggling financially, physically, emotionally, or spiritually – struggle only brings more struggle. I open up to the field of infinite potentiality: laugh more, smile wider, bless every situation and every person. The more time I spend feeling happy, grateful, blessed the more joyful my existence. So guard the pictures in your mind and know that you co-create with the Divine always. I am grateful for all the infinite possibilities in each of our lives. I am grateful for the opportunity to re-create my reality ALWAYS. I know this Truth as fact so I release this prayer into the Law knowing it is done. I easily let go and as I allow I let God. AND SO IT ISNamaste

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