“I see through all physical and mental issues to the one perfect Presence within me. My body is a Divine idea.” Ernest Holmes

I know there is an Infinite Source of all that is; I choose to call this Source God. I recognize this Source as the power, the presence, and the Love of All that Is. The love of God is always within me. The peace that permeates my soul is that knowing of the God within. I am the whole, complete, perfect manifestation of this Infinite Source because I am always a part of the greater whole.

I choose to allow this power, this presence, this essence of who I am to supply me, to guide me and to direct me in all my endeavors. I know God always IS and I know that I am always at choice. When I allow something or someone to push one of my buttons I STOP, I BREATHE and I CHOOSE how I decide to respond knowing that my re-action to everything in my life is my choice.

I know this as true for me as it is true for you. I give thanks for knowing that God allowed us free will. I give thanks for knowing that I choose to be awake and aware as much as possible and as often as possible. I give thanks for knowing that when I make a choice that may not be affirming, I can always make a new choice.

God IS, therefore, we all get to BE. I release these words into the Law knowing it is already so. I let go and I let GOD and so it is.


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Visit Gayle at www.expressingspirit.com