“It is well to give one day a week to acknowledging that we are seeking for our Good. We tell what our Good is. Is not our Good the free life we want? Do we want a burdened, obstructed, hampered life? Out of the word Good name a good which is Good to you.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins

“There is Good for me and that good is life, freedom, joy, and love. God is the good I seek, because God is my Source of all life, freedom, joy, and love.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis

God is the Divine Presence within me, around me and through me. I know the innermost God and the highest God are truly one and the same. Therefore I align my thoughts, my feelings, my beliefs with recognizing that all God is, I already am; a unique individualized manifestation of this One Infinite Source. As I know this Truth for me, I know this Truth for you. When I recognize this power and this presence within me my ability to create positive thoughts is unlimited. I know we are each always at choice to fill our minds with positive thoughts or not. I know as we fill our minds with positive thoughts we are able to create an unlimited life filled of love, joy, and freedom. I know we can each take time every day to breathe deeply and consciously connect to God's creative energy within us. We can choose to feel the wisdom and the love welling up in us when tap into this greatness that is always present as limitless possibility. I intend to choose to think only the highest and best thoughts of myself and everyone I encounter; in doing so I create love, joy, and freedom in my life. We each have this ability to choose and to re-choose without fear, without judgment and without doubt. I see myself going throughout my day with a constant supply of positive energy flowing through my body. I know I can choose to manifest great joy, unconditional love and freedom in everything I do. I envision this as my life. I give thanks for my family , my friends, my spiritual community and all sentient beings on the planet. I release these words into the Law knowing it is already so. I let go of all human attachment to the unfoldment, I surrender and I let God and so it isNamaste

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