A lot of people never have to consider any alternative to the option that we are most familiar with when it comes to selecting a car insurance policy, but annual policies are only one of the choices you have open to you. For those of us who just need cover for driving to and from our full time jobs and running around at the weekends, an annual policy is of course ideal. Your mileage will be fairly predictable and reasonably steady throughout the year. However, if you are one of those people whose circumstances mean that they do not need to drive every day, there are various types of temporary cover you can look at.

If you think about why you may require daily car insurance or even weekly or monthly cover, there are all sorts of reasons. Starting at the most basic level, you may actually only need cover for one day. One of the commonest reasons for people choosing car insurance for one day only is when they purchase a new car and just need to drive it home from wherever it is. It does not matter whether it is a private sale or a dealer, because you still have the same potential issue of wanting the car now, but not being covered by your existing policy.

In a situation like that, you can set up temporary cover for as little as a single day. Doing so is very fast and easy as most companies now offer full services online, so you can be all set to drive off within a few minutes. The process and the information required tends to be more simplified compared to an annual policy, which is why the process can be made much faster and more immediate.

There are, of course, many other reasons why you may want insurance in place for a day, a few days or even a few months. Lots of people do not have set patterns of driving, so any situation where you may need to drive at some times but not at others lends itself to temporary cover. It may be that you need to drive a car that is not your own for a while, or you may want a friend or relative to drive your car while they stay with you. The reasons are endless, but there are many people who come across this need for daily car insurance at some time or other.

Another type of temporary cover for people with irregular driving patterns who want some sort of ongoing policy in place would be a pay as you go arrangement. The idea of this is that you only pay for the driving you do, rather than paying for weeks and weeks when you are not actually driving. This can be much more cost effective for people who do not drive to work every day, or who do need to drive, but not on any kind of regular basis. This option can be particularly popular with young people who are new drivers.

In order for this to work, a tracking system has to be fitted into your vehicle so that the insurer receives a record of all the driving that you do. You are then just billed based on your actual driving, which costs you less if you do not do much.

Author's Bio: 

Find out where to get the best value pay as you go car insurance on the author's website. K D Garrow has several websites providing free advice on a range of finance related issues, including advice on car insurance for a day and his Young Drivers Car Insurance website.