To clear debt would simply mean to stop creating debt and start paying all your financial obligations. Choose your best weapon against debt . A lot of options are here to help you get rid of financial problems.
The fastest, greatest saving technique of settling your debt is debt settlement. This program takes about two to four years to finally be debt-free. Your monthly payment will be reduced by as much as 60%. And if you are being harassed by debt collectors, the debt consultants have different strategies that will reduce or eliminate the harassment.
Some “experts” may say that credit counseling is a better option. I disagree.
Credit counseling programs take longer to complete (about 5-8 years), have a very high dropout rate-about 75%, adversely affects your credit, and most of all, credit counseling does not negotiate with your creditors to reduce your principal balance. They only negotiate an interest rate reduction.
It is the reduction of the principal balance-not the interest rate that allows you to be debt-free in the fastest time possible (other than bankruptcy).
I believe credit counseling is useless. If their main benefit is to negotiate with your creditors to reduce your rates, then why not do it yourself? Why adversely affect your credit unnecessarily?
I guarantee you, if you can provide evidence that you are experiencing financial difficulties, the vast majority of creditors will lower your rates. Why?
Because they know from experience that many debtors that are struggling end up filing bankruptcy. If that happens, there is a good chance that the courts will not require them to repay the delinquent debt.
To clear debt is to seek the assistance of a debt settlement company. You need an experienced company that can negotiate with your creditors to settle for the lowest possible amount. These companies, along with your creditors, make arrangements in terms of drastically lowering the balance.
They also provide counseling for those who don’t know yet where and how to start. They will assign debt consultants that will discuss important matters to you regarding clearing your debt.
If you would like to clear debt on your credit cards, the most helpful way for you to do that is to stop using your credit cards and start paying them off. This is of course, the very logical way to stay out of debt. This debt solution only requires two things: self-discipline and commitment.
To clear debt is obviously to be totally out of debt. Research the best debt solution firm that can help you get out of financial stress. Make sure you look for a reputable and honest company that have already helped a lot of people and have given debt relief.
The choice is yours to make. The quickest way to clear debt other than bankruptcy is debt settlement. This program may take just a few years to be debt-free.
Debt Free Solutions is a debt consulting company located in Long Beach, CA. We have been in business for 10 years. We assist Americans across the U.S. to eliminate excessive credit card and other unsecured debt.
We utilize various programs and strategies to aid them in dissolving their debt in the quickest, safest, and most efficient method possible. We also analyze the risk factor. We structure our programs to drastically minimize the risk that is inevitable with all debt elimination programs.
We offer our clients much more than a debt settlement company does. The vast majority of debt negotiation companies simply settle your debts on your behalf with your creditors- nothing more.
On the other hand, we provide free services to significantly help to minimize the risks that are involved in negotiating with your creditors.
First, we offer a free, no-risk 10 day trial service. During our free trial, we negotiate with your creditors on your behalf to lower your interest rates. Also, we research to see if you have any old debts that you are not legally liable to repay. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied, you simply walk away. No commitments. No contracts.
Next, we provide a comprehensive credit repair service to all our clients. This is a $795 service that is absolutely free!
Also, we offer free attorney consultation (a maximum of five sessions) in case one or more of your creditors makes any threats.
Last, we provide a written guarantee that our clients’ creditors will settle for an average of 50% or more for all of the debts they attempt to negotiate.
Our services are competitively priced- and include the above free services!
Joseph Hernandez
Debt Free Solutions
(800) 668-8090
It’s critical that you choose the get out of debt. You need to weigh the pros and cons of each program to determine which program is best. Choosing the wrong program may cause a financial disaster!