Chronic prostatitis is a common and frequently-occurring disease in men. The prevalence rate of men aged 20-50 is about 30%. Because it produces a series of clinical symptoms, which seriously affect patients' physical and mental health, men must pay attention.

1. How to prevent chronic prostatitis?

Chronic prostatitis is easy to relapse. Therefore, we should pay attention to disease prevention. Develop good habits in daily life to prevent the occurrence of chronic prostatitis.

Men need to avoid acute prostatitis or the repeated attack of acute prostatitis to prevent chronic prostatitis effectively. Therefore, in daily life, they need to improve the incidence of prostatitis through a proper diet and good living habits .

In addition, it is also necessary to maintain personal peace of mind, do not stay up late, and avoid being in a state of excessive pressure or overwork for a long time. These factors will also affect the body's immunity, which is easy to reduce the resistance to pathogens.

Finally, men also need to pay attention to eliminating some diseases that are not conducive to the health of the urinary system, such as phimosis and long prepuce. If there are some diseases such as balanitis and urinary tract infections, they must also be treated in time. Don't delay the treatment, and try to avoid upward infection.

2. Newly married men should be alert to "honeymoon" prostatitis

Newlyweds are prone to "honeymoon" prostatitis, mainly because their sex life is irregular or too frequent during their newlyweds. In addition, overwork, excessive alcohol, spicy food, and unprotected sexual behavior are also important reasons for prostatitis.

The patients mainly have frequent micturition, urgency, pain, hematuria, or blood essence. And sexual dysfunction such as premature ejaculation, ejaculation pain, impotence, or weak erection is also apparent.

Moreover, some men often have fatigue, weakness, anorexia, nausea, and collapse due to frequent sex life, accompanied by discomfort or pain in lumbosacral, perineal, suprapubic, inguinal, and testicular parts.

Men need to pay attention to rest and have regular sex. Avoid eating irritating food. Drink more water and take a warm bath. Use antibiotics when necessary.

3. Do patients with chronic prostatitis need abstinence?

When prostatic inflammation occurs, there will be a lot of bacteria and inflammatory cells in the prostatic fluid. If the prostatic fluid accumulates in the acinus and cannot be discharged, the bacteria will continue to reproduce, which will affect the therapeutic effect. During sexual life, the smooth muscle of the prostate shrinks through ejaculation, and the glandular fluid is discharged into the urethra, which can play a better drainage role than prostate massage .

However, excessive sexual life will cause prostate congestion and frequent contraction of prostate tissue, which will damage gland tissue and cause inflammation. In addition, with the large discharge of prostate fluid, the content of trace element zinc in the prostate fluid will be reduced. Zinc is considered the main component of antibacterial effect in prostatic fluid. The reduction of zinc content can reduce the defense ability of the prostate and lead to the occurrence of chronic prostatitis.

Therefore, patients with chronic prostatitis should maintain a moderate sexual life according to their age and physical condition, neither too frequently nor abstinence. Unmarried young men should also have mild ejaculation to maintain normal prostate metabolism and accelerate the regression of inflammation.

4. Treat chronic prostatitis with "two hands."

False advertising affects many patients, resulting in a severe psychological burden. They are worried about affecting sexual function, fertility, infecting their spouses, and becoming malignant tumors. They seek medical treatment everywhere, spend a lot of money, and even can't carry out regular work and life. Some may have anxiety , insomnia, depression , and even suicidal tendencies.

Chronic prostatitis is prevalent but not a life-threatening disease. Some patients can relieve themselves. Not all patients need treatment.

In treating chronic prostatitis, men should pay attention to drug treatment and spiritual relief, "grasp with both hands and be hard with both hands." Doctor's advice:

First of all, men should have a correct understanding of chronic prostatitis. The impact of prostatitis on the human body is mainly discomfort in the perineum and urination, which will not affect life. And there is no clear evidence that it will directly cause sexual dysfunction, affect fertility or become a malignant tumor.

After formal treatment, men should not worry too much even if they can't reach the cure standard. Under the condition of maintaining good living habits and abstaining from inducing factors, the drug can be stopped for observation for some time, and many patients' symptoms will disappear naturally.

Do not advocate continuous use of the same drug for half a year or one year, especially antibiotic treatment. If the therapeutic effect is not ideal, other drugs can be selected or re-examined to determine the etiology and sensitive drugs. Patients can also choose herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill , especially for chronic prostatitis.

Pay attention to spiritual counseling and maintain a cheerful mood and optimistic attitude towards life.

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