Let me tell you something folks….understanding your own personal body type, structure and genetics is the KEY to your ultimate success.

If you fully understand and accept your body for what it IS, you will be able to train and eat in the best way possible in order to finally get the results you’re after.

In fact, this point is SO important I’m going to dedicate the rest of this article to answering it. Please pay attention here folks.

Now there are 3 different things we’re talking about here.

Body type: Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph.

Structure: means your individual musculoskeletal structure.

Genetics: your individual DNA “blueprint” which determines your ultimate potential.

Here’s some basic advice for each…


Never heard of Ectomorphs, Mesomorphs and Endomorphs before? You should. You are one of them! Actually, each person usually has a base of one specific classification type along with some tendencies of the other two sprinkled in. Your body type has a tremendous influence on how your body will respond to exercise and which type of exercise methods and techniques would be better or worse for you.


The classic Eectomorph typically has long arms, long legs, short torsos and have lean bodies with little of body fat. Below are some unique training tips for the Ectomorph.

Fat Loss : Easy for this type

Muscle Gain: Extremely difficult.

Exercise : Needs high intensity, less duration and less frequency.

Cardio: Not critical for fat loss , only for conditioning. Need to limit if muscle gain is primary goal.

Recovery: Typically slow for muscle gain, normal for fitness gains.

Nutrition : Needs more calories specifically from protein and fat. Some may need more carbs.

Metabolism: Very high. Can usually eat whatever they want without getting over fat.


The classic Mesomorph is thickly muscled; more of the stocky type, typically with low body fat and are more on the athletic side.

Fat Loss : Easy for this type

Muscle Gain: Very easy.

Exercise : Will respond to high intensity or high volume. Some times high volume is better.

Cardio: At times needed for fat loss .

Recovery: Typically very quick.

Nutrition : No major needs. Maybe more protein. Overall balanced intake.

Metabolism: Moderate – high. Can usually eat whatever they want and remain in shape.


The classic Endomorph has more of a round, softer body and easily accumulates body fat.

Fat Loss : Very difficult.

Muscle Gain: At times can be difficult.

Exercise : May need high intensity, high volume & frequency.

Cardio: Critical for fat loss .

Recovery: Moderate to fast recovery.

Nutrition : More protein needed.

Metabolism: Slow. Usually needs to control calories at all times.


Do you have long arms or short arms? Long or short legs? Long or short torso? Are your muscle attachments closer or further away from your joints? Does any of this really matter? Yes!

All of these factors determine how you move during exercise . This in turn, determines which exercises will be better or worse for you!

How strong is your core and supportive muscle structure? Can you stabilize your body properly during exercise? What is their ability to work as a team?

If they can’t, you may need to devote more time to bringing them up before you can attempt any kind of intense exercise.


Understanding your own personal genetic physiology will go a long way in understanding how the “results” process will go for you.

It will tell if you:

will progress quickly or slowly.

need to work harder or longer.

need to work with heavier resistance or lighter resistance.

need to exercise more often or less often.

need to emphasize some fitness components over others.

Some in my field would have you to believe that regardless of your genetic makeup, structure or body type; that you could achieve ANY goal. They say “just work hard and you’ll get six-pack abs”, or “athletes are made, not born”.

Not true! Let me reveal the truth that no one will.…you have about as much control of the RATE at which you lose fat or build muscle as you did concerning what your eye color or height is!

Don’t get me wrong here. ANYONE can lose a considerable amount of fat, build a lot of muscle and get in great shape. You just can’t force the body to change against its predetermined genetic code.

If you try, it’ll always lead to more problems (injury, depressed metabolism) and short-lived results (weight rebound/muscle loss).

Just as your DNA and genetics determine your hair color, eye color, skin tone, height, etc.. There are physiological differences that allow some to see very quick physical transformations in a short time while others take a longer time to change their bodies.

In other words, the more genetically-gifted you are the quicker you’ll see results….the less gifted, the slower the results. It’s as simple as that.


What does all this mean to you? Should you throw in the towel because you will never look like a fitness cover model? Absolutely not!

What you SHOULD do is always strive to gain more insight of your individual body and how you need to fine-tune your exercise and your nutrition along with your mental attitude to maximize YOUR individual potential and results.

Even though you may never become a fitness cover model….you CAN develop a better, leaner, stronger and more fit body that people will admire and envy.

But it’ll only happen if you forget about every one else, focus on YOU, stay the course and never give up!

Fernando Paredes, CPT, NASM, NSCA,YFS1

Tags: dna blueprint, exercise methods, metabolism, ultimate success, unique boomer training

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Boomer-Living.com is a unique and innovative internet resource whose goal is to be the most trusted and reliable internet destination for people of the Baby Boomer Generation.

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