This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Speed Reading .Speed Reading is a reading technique that allows for the assimilation of several words or phrases at a glance. Ed Caldwell is The Official Guide to Speed Reading . Speed Reading for Professionals , by H. Bernard Wechsler and Arthur Bell, is a valuable resource for people interested in Comprehension Reading Strategies , and it is available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble .

Barron's Business Success books offer useful advice to career-minded men and women who are looking to get ahead in the business and corporate world. Titles touch on all levels of management, marketing, organization, and related business operations. Reading and comprehending a large number of documents and reports—many of them specialized and technical—is a vital task that is intrinsic to fulfilling management and executive responsibilities. The authors of this practical book recommend techniques and exercises designed to increase reading speed dramatically and to retain important information more easily. They also offer tips on methods for comprehending dry and often difficult reading matter.

Author's Bio: 

This book review is part of a series that covers the topic of Speed Reading . The Official Guide to Speed Reading is Ed Caldwell .

If those that teach are lamps unto the world, Ed Caldwell is a shining example. In the age of information Ed has trained tens of thousands to reach their peak performance through dynamic reading and thinking skills seminars. Excited by the emergence of web-technologies, Ed is expanding his reach through his new company, and it's Speed Reading Tactics area, an online learning site devoted to enabling personal and professional development for busy working people to master the information they are overloaded with today.

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Ed Caldwell, the Official Guide to Speed Reading