Hypnotherapy has been lately creating a buzz in the alternative medicine community for giving solutions to several problems like anxiety and weight loss. Hypnotherapy for weight loss, or sometimes called gastric band surgery, has been a rather popular choice of method for those people who need to overcome obesity and weight issues.

Weight loss hypnosis puts the patient who is deeply concentrated and fully relaxed in a state of trance. In this state, the patient is more vulnerable to suggestions of the practitioner. The practitioner can then introduce better eating habits through behavior modifications.

It has also been deemed virtual band hypnosis as it is often compared with gastric band surgery which is another popular weight loss method. In this type of surgery, a silicone based band is tied in the anterior part of the stomach to significantly decrease its size. Although this method brings immediate results, many people now realize that it is a very risky procedure and there are several complications one might get from one major surgery. This requires the patient to have multiply bypass surgeries in the future.

Hypnosis offers the same results, although not as fast. Through multiple sessions, the patient would have lost significant weight. It is like having a virtual gastric band around your stomach, without the risks and complications. It is one of the safest weight loss methods as it does not involve any physical or chemical processes. It is only processed through the mind, and there is no known side effect to this type of therapy, except maybe a little emotional distress for some patients.

This is known to be a very positive process. The process itself will equip the patient with discipline, self-control and may even turn the patient into a more goal-oriented person. Several behavioral issues can also be addressed by it. People may not know this but weight problems may be a type of anxiety that the person developed over time because of stress. Moreover, it boosts motivation, improves self-esteem , and empowers the self.

Gastric band hypnosis will only be effective if you partner it will proper dieting and regular exercising. It alone won’t help you shed a few pounds. It needs to be integrated with a weight loss program for you to reach your goal. It can also be used side by side with other weight loss methods like acupuncture , an oil-based diet , and other types of diet plan. Remember also to only receive hypnosis from licensed or professionals who are well-equipped with hypnotic knowledge. Beware of those who will say anything to have access to your money.

Author's Bio: 

Neil Harris believes that hypnotherapy for weight loss is an excellent method for treatment of these kind of disorders. Following the same path Adam Cumberland, a leading hypnotherapist London Harley Street has given a new direction to hypnotherapy. He is also providing treatment to problems like Social anxiety disorder, people phobia and Social Phobia.