B: Beautiful life, beautiful love – we can express it all.
L: Lap up the beauty
and love all around and say thanks and give thanks for all you see, feel and what touches you.
E: Exceptional beauty
abounds – etch the bounty of beauty
upon your mind and soul and let it stain you with goodness.
S: Stains of beauty upon the soul are the best stains to have – stain it so much that your soul of beauty is recognized by all.
S: See the beauty in all situations because in 99 per cent of situations there is some beauty.
Y: You are a beacon of beauty so get your beauty shine on today. You have eyes, you have ears, you have mind, you have soul – use them all to see more beauty and to express more love and beauty. Love of life – true love of life is the best blessing.
O: Oh how lovely the world is when we see it through the eyes of beauty and love.
U: Utopian values we can all have and the way to develop Utopia within us is to focus upon beauty and love.
1. Lap up the beauty and love all around and say thanks and give thanks for all you see, feel.
2. Etch the bounty of beauty upon your mind and soul and let it stain you with goodness. Stains of beauty upon the soul are the best stains to have – stain it so much that your soul of beauty is recognised by all.
3. The phrase - Beauty
is in the eye of the beholder - was written as a consolation to those who could not see that someone or something is beautiful. But you can use this phrase to your advantage - you can make a conscious effort to see the beauty in all.
4. Enlightenment of the highest kind happens when you live in the frame of mind of beauty. Life is about creative expression and the best way to tap that creative vein is to be in the vein of beauty, to be in the mode of beauty 24/7.
5. You have eyes, you have ears, you have mind, you have soul – use them all to see more beauty and to express more love and beauty. Love of life – true love of life is the best blessing.
6. Ask and you receive, seek and you receive too. This is why it is important to seek beauty and to seek out beauty – it is also one of the most positive ways to live. It is the highest way to live.
7. Grow beauty and love and you grow the best blessings.
8. Leave beautiful love on your heart and on the hearts of everyone you meet. Love creates miracles so let love flow. Find those oases of love and beauty and soak it all up.
9. Life is a journey – and the best journey is one punctuated with love and beauty.
10. Elation is the best oil for the journey. Use the heightened senses that come with appreciating love and beauty to have an amazing ride – the ride of your life.
B: Beautiful love is our centre and core. Be alive with beautiful love 24/7. Bounce out of bed with love beaming brightly.
L: Leave beautiful love on your heart and on the hearts of everyone you meet. Love creates miracles
so let love flow.
E: Enter the realm of love and there you will see miracles. Enter this realm and see your life brimming with empowerment
and empowered love.
S: Skill combined with love creates magnificent masterpieces and miracles
S: Special places abound - have you been there today? Special planes of love are available for us 24/7 if we get into the mode of love.
Y: You are love, so let your love show and shine.
O: Oases of love abound so tap them internally and externally.
U: Unconditional love is the most beautiful love, while unconventional love is a powerful catalyst for creating new love and loves. Unconventional love and unconditional love when married together can bring forth the greatest beauty and wonders the world has known.
B: Beauty
is in the eye of the beholder and your eyes open more when you observe beauty more.
L: Loving beauty makes you tingle more with life.
E: Enlightenment
of the highest kind comes when we see beauty in the form of beauty, especially the wonders of nature in the form of flowers, plants, trees and the majesty of mountains.
S: Seek out beauty and make it your life’s passion
, and beauty will search you out in return.
S: Soak your soul into the beauty that is all around you: merge with it, play with it and express it.
Y: Your eye for beauty should be wide open 24/7.
O: One of the most important qualities to develop, practice and improve upon is your eye for beauty. Observe beauty more and you have touched a deeper vein of life. Observe, appreciate and enjoy to the fullest the wonders of beauty.
U:Upon the world is beauty – can you see it, can you feel it, can you grow it?
B: Break down the journey into manageable bite-sized bits. Break new grounds and soar to greater heights.
L: Life is a journey and the destination is the journey.
E: Endeavor to emit elation.
S: Stepping out often requires great courage but it enables you to soar to greater heights.
S: Successful journeys make life worth living.
Y: You need to push your limits, you need to test your self-control beyond your comfort zone, and breaking down and breaking apart enable you to raise the bar for remodelling and scaling to new heights.
O: One does not need to change one’s essential character because perfection is the completion of the course not a change in character.
U: Use the keys to an amazing ride, the ride of your life.
THE BEST WAY TO LIVE BLESSINGThis article is a series of blessings and the myriad blessings you can get from thinking and living in love and beauty. Life is a challenge but we can make it smoother if we think about good things when we can. Not only that but we can transform our lives for the better if we do this 24.7. When we do that we uplift all around us and that can only be good for the world. Surround yourself with love and beauty you surround yourself with blessings. Blessings
An I CAN READ English specialist with over 20 years teaching experience, I have worked in the British Council and Linguaphone, well-known language institutions. I am a London-trained lawyer and have been the public affairs officer at the British High Commission, Singapore, as well as an editor in an international book publishing house and a national magazine. In 2006, I was appointed as an Ambassador of Peace (Universal Peace Federation and Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace). I am also co-author of two law books: English Legal System and Company Law, published by Blackstone, Oxford University Press. For enquiries about I CAN READ classes, email . FOR DAILY BLESSINGS: