If this is your first experience with Hypnosis , please take a few moments to read this material. It will answer many questions you may have and I know you will find it informative.

Hypnosis, when mentioned in conversation, creates varied reactions in people. There are many misconceptions about hypnosis .

A simple definition of hypnosis is that it is a state of increased suggestibility and concentration. In this state, the Conscious critical mind becomes dormant, andthis allows direct communication with the Sub-conscious mind. This allows me, your Hypnotherapist, to assist my Clients to make changes at the deep Sub-conscious level needed for permanent change. Hypnosis is empowering!

We all began somewhere. In a home with caregivers who either loved us or were obligated to care for us. We all have a story, with a beginning. Regardless of our individual circumstances, we were all born into a family. And this Family had a huge responsibility, some of which was not even understood from the get go. There isn’t a guide book that comes with an infant like when we buy a new DVD player. There isn’t a return policy, how-to book nor a warranty, which as Parents, causes us to raise our fists to the Heavens for that lack when our children have tantrums at the Mall or when they test our patience as Teenagers!. Parents use the only guidance they know, that which they got from their parents, and so on.

When you think about “you”, you think of your conscious mind, because it’s the only mind you are “aware” of. But the largest and most dominant part of your mind is the subconscious, and you’re generally unaware of it. It is your emotional mind, the part of the mind that stores all of your emotional memories from the birth of your awareness (as early as in utero). It is like an organic computer that stores all this data. Although your conscious mind may seem to be the part in control, it is actually driven by the desires of the subconscious mind. And this, my Sisters, is the REAL you. And until you understand it, you don’t understand yourself.

Although we all have free will to do anything we want, and can use logic to dictate what that is, this free will and logic are part of the conscious mind. And it is woefully short lived. For example, You may desire to go for the promotion at work, KNOW that you are capable of it, deserve it and have all the skills required in the job description. So why is it that you ‘talk’ yourself out of it? Why is it that you can’t seem to muster the courage to submit your application, to talk to your supervisor and throw your hat into the pot? Why is it that you suddenly get cold feet, feel inadequate, scared, etc, when the actual” putting your money where your mouth is” needs to take place? There’s self talk’ taking place, and there is a THOUGHT creates a FEELING. Thought + Emotion = belief. And that feeling is coming from a belief stored in the subconscious mind. We base all of our decisions on the strength of our desires and beliefs and the subconscious desires and beliefs always outweight conscious ones. An alcoholic may have the conscious desire to stop drinking yet he continues to drink, even if it is costing him his family and his job. A bulemic person may consciously and logically agree that stopping the behaviour would make him/her happier if he/she could control it yet he/she continues to use food as an emotional crutch to binge and purge. This rationalization is a function of the conscious/critical mind. These people can accept consciously the benefits of stopping their addictions. They may implement all sorts of strategies to change. Dieting, AA, self help books , etc. Use will power. But, again, it’s short lived, works for a while, kind of like an indulgent parent giving a child a bit of leeway. Here’s the kicker. Unless the subconscious mind agrees and directs it energy to a desired end, it will not take place. No amount of conscious will power will override it. It is NOT logical but EMOTIONAL and the emotion is in the drivers seat.

Up until the age of 5, there IS no logical function developed in the mind. Everything we learn is by perception. It’s how we feel about things that we interpret that forms a belief. We all program our beliefs by misinterpretations of events and the opinions and beliefs of our role models, who in turn were poorly programmed in their own early years. As we learn new things, the conscious mind accepts them and without logic, are dropped straight into the subconscious mind. Voi la, a belief is formed. And the subconscious mind accepts it, without judgement. Doesn’t care if it’s true or false. And it then begins the job of protecting that belief. Once a new idea is planted, it becomes the absolute truth for the individual FOR LIFE. It will then use that truth to evaluate all future ideas. And behind the belief is a feeling. Whenever there are events that trigger the feeling around a belief, it compounds it, makes it stronger.

Up until the age of 5, there IS no logical function developed in the mind. Everything we learn is by perception. It’s how we feel about things that we interpret that forms a belief. We all program our beliefs by misinterpretations of events and the opinions and beliefs of our role models, who in turn were poorly programmed in their own early years. As we learn new things, the conscious mind accepts them and without logic, are dropped straight into the subconscious mind. Voi la, a belief is formed. And the subconscious mind accepts it, without judgement. Doesn’t care if it’s true or false. And it then begins the job of protecting that belief. Once a new idea is planted, it becomes the absolute truth for the individual FOR LIFE. It will then use that truth to evaluate all future ideas. And behind the belief is a feeling. Whenever there are events that trigger the feeling around a belief, it compounds it, makes it stronger.

Hypnosis is about imagination and creation. Together, you and I will create new positive feelings, pictures, images, sights, sounds, smells, and emotions to replace specific negative ones that you might have gathered up, unknowingly, over the years. The Brain cannot tell the difference between what it has actually seen and what your Hypnotherapist will help you to create in your Sub-conscious. Therefore, you can create anything you desire! Your professionally trained Hypnotherapist is your Guide, your Facilitator and your Partner.

Please don’t expect to go to sleep or to feel as if you don’t know what you are doing. All Hypnosis is self-hypnosis. You won’t do or say anything in hypnosis that you would not normally say or do. You are in control at all times. You will know everything that is going on around you, what I am saying and what you are thinking, doing or saying. In fact, some people will think they have not been in hypnosis because they are expecting something odd to be happening to them. Do not expect a lack of consciousness or amnesia. You may feel that you are unaffected by what is being said, but in fact, you will be directly affected because the subconscious mind is listening and making changes at a very deep level.

The success of your hypnotherapy session will be enhanced by your willingness to use your imagination , your focused concentration on what is being asked of you while in hypnosis and by your desire to allow yourself to go into the deep state of calmness that your Hypnotherapist will create for you.

So the question that must be asked, before we begin, is whether you are willing to experience hypnosis for your own personal well-being and to change negative behaviors/emotions into more positive behaviors/emotions?

If the answer is yes, then take this amazing journey of self discovery.

What the Experts Say:

“Though often denigrated as fakery or wishful thinking, hypnosis has been shown to be a real phenomenon with a variety of therapeutic uses…”-Scientific American 7/01

“…hypnosis is not mind control . It's a naturally occurring state of concentration; It's actually a means of enhancing your control over both your mind and your body.”
Dr. David Spiegel, Assoc. Chair of Psychiatry
Stanford University School of Medicine,
-Jane Pauley Show 9/04

“Hypnosis has gained credibility in the past five years because of research using the latest brain-imaging technology…. Studies show hypnosis can help treat a multitude of disorders...”-Business Week, 2/04

“The purpose of hypnosis as a therapeutic technique is to help you understand and gain more control over your behavior , emotions or physical well-being.”
-The Mayo Clinic 12/03

Rosa Livingstone, CHT,
Clinical Hypnotherapist, Certified Instructor
A Load Off Your Mind Hypnotherapy

Author's Bio: 

Rosa Livingstone is a Certified Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Instructor of Clinical Hypnotherapy. She received her certification in 2006 at the Coastal Academy of Hypnotherapy in White Rock, B.C.

Rosa opted to reinvent herself after a medical incident with her Son, with one driving thought in mind – she had to work with people. Helping others has always been paramount in her philosophy on life.

Rosa works ful time dealing with client issues such as phobias, depression, anxiety, stress, self improvement, weight reduction and many more.

Rosa is a certified member of the International Medical & Dental Hypnosis Association as well as the National Guild of Hypnosis. Rosa also teaches the Clinical Hypnotherapist Curriculum at the Coastal Academy of Hypnotherapy.