Cardio Workouts You can Do At HomeCardiovascular training contrary to the traditional belief does not focus entirely on running aimlessly like a hamster on a wheel or performing numerous reps of a stair master exercises for hours while listening to music or your favorite podcast.

Top At Home Cardio Workouts

The art of cardio training involves any training exercise with the known ability to benefit the cardiovascular system within your body through elevation of the current heart rate resulting in vast improvements in muscle oxidation and utilization.

Many runners and gym goers alike today have seen the numerous benefits of cardio workouts within the confinements of their own home by actively performing some of the more popularly used high intensity cardiovascular training exercises (HIIT) by many professional athletes, cross fit athletes and everyday people.

Kettlebell Swing

standing kettlebell swing

The Kettlebell swing with it's explosive power has traditionally been used to stimulate muscular growth through oxidization while increasing cardiovascular endurance in the individual training by combining the benefits of the tradition dumbbell training with a high intensity cardiovascular workout.

This exercise has been proven in it's effectiveness in increasing the metabolic rate and enhancing calorie burn resulting in loss of fatty tissue and overall weight loss . Performing the kettlebell swing with high intensity makes for a great cardio exercise . Use light to moderate weight so you can keep the tempo going and increase the energy by forcing your body to rely on the assistance of the muscle tissues. This will enhance the development of muscular mass, and core strength while strengthening the heart muscle and toning your overall physique.

How to do the Kettlebell Swing

  • Stand with both feet at shoulder-width apart holding the kettlebell in a forward position at eye level using both hands.
  • bend the hips back and swing the kettlebell backwards between your legs legs for one count.
  • Then forcefully swing forward bringing it back to eye level completing a single rep of the exercise .

Jump Rope

Fitness Gifts for Men who like to Workout -jump rope

The simple and highly effective jump rope workout remains today one of the best exercises imaginable for enhancing calorie burn and fat loss . The average male will burn more calories during 15 minutes of a jump rope workout than 1 hour on the treadmill.

This workout not only vastly improves your metabolism rate and fat loss burn but it has also been credited in it's ability as a form of cardio training to improve the flexibility, agility, balance and upper body muscle ton. Many fitness experts today still consider the jump rope workout the most effective and affordable equipment assisted training workout used today offering the best option in cardiovascular workout.

Bodyweight Exercises

perfect burpee form

Explosive bodyweight exercises are an effective method of cardiovascular training and growing in popularity because of how easy they are to perform from your home, to the gym and everywhere in between.

Most explosive bodyweight exercises are often performed using a form of HIIT training accelerating the movements of the body during the exercise to achieve similar results to training recognizing the use of weights. Some of the top explosive body weight training exercises include, the burpee, the jump lunge, or the jump squat.

Full Body Circuit - Tabata Training


Now take all the components from above and create your own full body circuit. If you workout intensely you can cut your workout time down to 15 minutes. Here is a great 5 minute circuit you can repeat in 3 sets to keep the burn going at home, allow for 2 minutes of rest in between sets. All you will need is a few simple pieces of equipment (or replacement items) and a timer.

Tabata Training Circuit

  1. Kettlebell Swings (60 seconds)
  2. Push ups (30 seconds)
  3. Burpees (30 seconds)
  4. Jump Squat (60 seconds)
  5. V- Sit Ups (30 seconds)
  6. Bicycle Sit Ups (30 seconds)
  7. Jump Rope (60 seconds)
Author's Bio: 

Grant Donovan is a successful entrepreneur and expert in many disciplines including aviation, automotive, political, anti-aging and life coaching to name a few. But it is his passion for health, nutrition and fitness that he attributes as the leading factor for his success. All of which led him to create to share his large breadth of knowledge with the everyday man, and empower them to make the changes that will help lead to their success. He believes a life in balance of mind, body and soul is a life well lived and only when achieved can one unlock their true potential. At age 60, Grant serves as a living example of why staying healthy not only helps you live longer, but the improved quality of life, will allow you to push past boundaries and reach new heights you never knew were possible. With his inspirational personal journey of achievement he has motivated over 350,000+ subscribers to make a positive change in their life and guide them on their pursuit of happiness.