Nowadays, it can seem that everything is dangerous to our health. There are so many things we need to avoid, and it feels like new items are being added to the list every day. Is it really possible that even the humble coffee machine poses a threat to our wellbeing?

Here, we look at the question, are coffee machines toxic?How can coffee machines be toxic?

It is estimated that Americans drink around 400 million cups of coffee per day, more than any other country in the world – so it’s safe to say that coffee consumption is an established part of the modern American lifestyle.If this is the case, how could something as ubiquitous as the coffee maker pose a threat?

In fact, there are three specific ways coffee makers could be dangerous. Let’s have a look at each in turn.

1. BPA and phthalates

It is thought that one of the biggest risks comes from bisphenol A – or BPA for short. This substance is one of the building blocks of polycarbonate plastics, and it is commonly found in food and beverage containers and epoxy resins in food packaging.

BPA can leach out of these plastics and food, and as a result, it is presumed that BPA is widely ingested by millions of people around the world.

This substance is now known to act as an endocrine receptor, and it has been linked to a range of conditions, including reproductive issues such as infertility as well as some cancers, among others.While more research is needed, it is widely accepted that this is not a substance you want in your body in significant quantities.

Phthalates are another component of plastics that work to increase the strength and flexibility of the material. Phthalates have also been linked to birth defects and other health problems.

Unfortunately, both of these substances are commonly found in coffee makers, meaning you could indeed be ingesting harmful chemicals with your daily brew.

2. Aluminum

The harmful effects of aluminum are more controversial. It is not debated that aluminum in high enough concentrations can cause toxicity, leading to confusion, muscle weakness, bone pain, deformities and fracture, seizures, speech impediments and slow growth in children.
What is less certain is the amount of aluminum required to bring about a harmful effect.

Aluminum is present in kitchen foil, baking powder and anti-caking agent for example, and the average adult in the US ingests about 7-9mg daily. What is open to debate is whether prolonged, higher ingestion of aluminum can lead to illness.

Of course, aluminum is also present in many coffee makers, and this could be a potential source of toxicity.

3. Bacteria inside the machine<?h2>

This is a slightly different issue since it isn’t related to the material from which the coffee maker is made but rather the conditions inside the machine.

The tubes inside coffee machines provide the ideal breeding ground for germs, and it has been shown that many coffee makers contain more germs than the average toilet seat or bathroom door. If you don’t maintain your machine properly, there is no doubt this can also lead to health problems.

What are your options?

Leaving the issues of germs aside for the moment as well as the contentious issue of aluminum – what are your options if you want to protect yourself from the harmful effects of plastic toxicity?

 BPA-free coffee makers

One possible solution is to choose a certified BPA-free machine. According to Kathy from Daily Cupo , This type of coffee maker is made without BPA, giving you peace of mind that your daily coffee habit is not delivering any dangerous hidden chemicals.

A point to note is that some companies certify their products as BPA but replace the BPA with other unspecified materials. In some cases, these substitutes are largely untested and could well prove to be just as harmful as BPA.

Despite this, going BPA-free can at least guarantee you will not be ingesting chemicals that are known to be harmful to our health.

 Plastic-free coffee makers

Another option is to avoid plastics altogether. Several types of coffee makers exist that don’t incorporate any plastics at all.

Usually, these are the more manual types of brewing system and are sometimes less convenient than electric drip coffee makers or pod-based machines – but at least you can be sure there is nothing in your coffee that you don’t want to be ingesting.

 French press

The French press is a simple and elegant way to make coffee. You place the ground coffee in the carafe, you add hot water and you wait for the coffee to infuse. Once the coffee is brewed, you press the plunger and pour out a delicious brew.

Most traditional French presses are made of glass with a metal plunger, although Stainless Steel ones now also exist. If you are worried about aluminum, it should be easy enough to find one that is aluminum-free too.

 Pour-over

One of the preferred methods of top baristas is the pour-over method since, some would argue, this is the best way to brew the highest-quality coffees, allowing the subtle flavors to shine through.

The added advantage for the health-conscious coffee lover is that this method is completely plastic-free – an ideal way to enjoy coffee without the addition of harmful BPA.

 Chemex

The award-winning Chemex method is another brewing system that avoids the use of any plastics – the coffee only ever comes into contact with the glass and the filter.The Chemex is also undeniably one of the most aesthetically-pleasing ways of preparing coffee, and, similar to using a coffee syphon, is also a great conversation starter when you are entertaining guests.

Better safe than sorry

While there are so many things we are now told to avoid, perhaps it is better to follow the old adage that we are better safe than sorry.

If you want to avoid BPA, you have the option of BPA-free coffee makers or coffee makers that are completely free of all plastics. Aluminum in coffee makers should also be easy to avoid should you choose to do so – so as long as you keep your machine clean, there’s no need for it to be toxic.

Author's Bio: 

As a medical Doctor, I am very conscious about the health of people. Here, I have disclosed, How the coffee machines are destroying your health?

Hope this will help you.
