Who wants to look old and wrinkled? It hits self esteem hard. In the ancient times, people looked upon wrinkles as “wisdom lines.” It indicated that a person has journeyed long in life and gathered all the wisdom and experience. This was when wrinkles arrived after 60. Today, people may need an anti aging night cream at 30!

Why do modern people get wrinkles so early?

Certain unhealthy lifestyle choices cause premature aging of skin. Let’s take a look at the three most damaging ones.

Sun exposure

Tanning is a common activity seen at sparkling beaches across America and Canada. However, there is a thin line between a “healthy tan” and “tanned skin” that indicates sun damage. According to dermatologists, excessive sun exposure degenerates the fibril network in the middle layer of skin, causing breakdown of collagen and forming wrinkles.

What to do: Always wear sunscreen while stepping out in the sun. Slather a good body lotion containing adequate sun protection while at the beach.

Some of the best anti aging creams feature in-built sunscreen. If your skin has started aging, it is wise to start using them without delay. They will work on the damaged part of your skin and, at the same time, protect your skin from further sun damage.


Smoking kills your skin’s youth mercilessly. Do you know that the skin of smokers as young as 20 years show early wrinkling under a microscope? Their skin is more likely to develop deep wrinkles by the time they are 30. Smoke of tobacco also renders the skin an unhealthy tone and a coarse, rough texture.

What to do: Stop smoking at once! There is no other solution for stopping aging at 20.

According to skin experts, even a deep wrinkle cream won’t work effectively, if you continue to smoke. Deep wrinkle creams are designed to work on extreme damage that forms deep creases on skin. Yet, it gets difficult for a cream of such stature to work efficiently with cigarette smoke and toxins choking the skin.

Habitual muscle contractions

Since the day you were born, you create facial expressions. When skin is young and supple, it springs back to its original position after a facial movement. With age, it loses some of its elasticity. Muscles contract due to habitual squinting, frowning, and other expressions. This leads to formation of crow’s feet, forehead lines, frown lines, and other creases on the face.

What to do: first, get an anti aging night cream containing Argireline, which relaxes facial muscles and soothes skin deeply. If you are in the habit of giving people furrow-browed glares, change your habit now. Practice a Zen-monk-like expression – completely unfazed and calm with all muscles of the face at their right positions.

Last but not the least, while using an anti aging night cream make sure you sleep with an “anti-wrinkle” position. Avoid sleeping with your face slouched in the pillow. It creates folds on your skin, which, with time, form wrinkles. Sleep on your back.

Author's Bio: 

Hydroxatone.com offers the best anti aging creams , which includes an exclusive deep wrinkle cream and anti aging night cream . View the entire collection of creams on the site.