Gone are the days when hair loss problems were treated with the use of ill-fitting wigs and sheer acceptance. With the so many options available, I expect not one person to walk around with wigs or to throw the towel in their fight against loss of hairs.

You have to accept the fact that today, things have changed, technology, and even nature has taken a higher dimension. There is no reason to still remain bald when there are various options to choose from. Even after pregnancy , you can still look good with your crown (hairs) sitting right there on your head.

Below are various hair loss reversal methods, and one of them is going to work perfectly for you.

Keratin fibers – this is one of the less expensive and quickest hair loss remedy. This is the application of a masking agent that covers lost hairs. The application of keratin fibers will prevent your scalp from shining through thinning hairs. I am sure that you already know that keratin is the same as the fibers that your hairs are made of.

Keratin fibers will cling to your hair and scalp, giving it a bulkier appearance. The good thing is that keratin fibers are available in different color variants, so you have no problem about finding a match. All you have to do is to look for good ones that are resistant to sweat, wind or water. You can wash the mask off with a shampoo whenever you want.

Covering lotions – covering lotions are just like keratin fibers, they are used in film industries to cover shiny, balding scalps. It can be used after hair surgeries to bolster scalp appearance till the entire surgery takes hold. They are formulated not to clog the follicles, so that the growth of new hairs will not be hindered.

Hair laser – a 15 minute session with lasers is said to improve the appearance of the hairs and stimulate the hair follicles. Claims say you will experience thicker hairs in less than 7 weeks. The use of hand laser machines with chemical therapies like propecia or rogaine is effective; also hand laser machines involve no heat or other unwanted side effects.

P.U.V.A therapy (Psoralen Ultra-Violet Radiation Therapy) - this is a light therapy that is mostly used by patients whose loss of hair is as a result of skin pathologies. This hair loss reversal technique demands time and requires you to take Psoralen, a light sensitizing drug before each session of the therapy. The purpose of taking the drug is to prevent you from being vulnerable to the rays of direct sunlight. Although the success level of this therapy is gradual, it comes with some side effects like blistering, stinging, burning and eventually, new hairs will grow only to fall again.

Wigs – I don’t really want to mention wigs, but then, wigs are also an option. There are people who care less about how they look; I am referring to the much more adult ones. Parent and grandparents might not have any problem with wearing wigs, but teenagers and children will. Even at that, wigs still helps. Wigs will not reverse hair loss, but they will conceal it very well. You will find synthetic wigs and human hair wigs. Synthetic wigs are widely available in different varieties; they are also very affordable and can easily be maintained. You can wash it with cold water and shampoo and towel it dry. Human hair wigs are quite expensive and limited in variety and availability, when compared to synthetic wigs. Since they are human hairs, they should be treated just like real hairs.

Hair transplants – this is basically the harvesting of hair follicles from regions of the hairs that are not bald and implanting these follicles into areas of the scalp that are bald. There are various types of hair transplants method, so make sure you speak with a surgeon before you begin any operation. Bear in mind that, if you carry out a transplant and later discover that you do not like it, it will be too late as extreme hair loss reversal methods like hair transplants are very difficult to undo. It is important to seek the advice of a professional first.

If you want to learn about best hair loss remedies, Abigail M. Moore is the person you should listen to; owner of www.hairgrowthtipshq.com , which is one of the fastest growing website that talks about incredible, yet simple ways to grow your fast.

Author's Bio: 

If you want to learn about best hair loss remedies , Abigail M. Moore is the person you should listen to; owner of www.hairgrowthtipshq.com , which is one of the fastest growing website that talks about incredible, yet simple ways to grow your fast.