“Allow Your Mind to Evolve”How Creative QuestionsTM can and will change your way of thinking forever!

You have probably heard that your thoughts are responsible for your experiences. I have spent many years working with affirmations , focusing on changing the way my mind or my thinking is programmed.

After the exciting discovery of my True Essence I understood how important it was to align my mind with my True Nature. For example, one thing is to ‘Know’ from experience that I am One with everything; that I am One with Love or Beauty . In another, very different way, my mind as become habituated to think Love or Beauty , Freedom or Oneness.

To wake up from a consciousness of powerlessness, failure and scarcity can be a one-second process or realization, but to overcome the addictions or identification our minds have with scarcity and separation is a huge awakening process!
I felt very empowered on the day I discovered Affirmations and thought I could change anything I wanted to! After many years of working with them - writing them in my journals, posting them on my bathroom mirror, desk, kitchen - literally everywhere - I can honestly tell you that my experience ended by giving up on trying to change my habituated thinking, coupled with a feeling of frustration and disappointment that I was not disciplined enough or intelligent enough to do what other people were so successful at doing. What was wrong with me?
As you know there are no accidents in life. In 2001, Arne Rantzen, the founder of Creative Questions and my beloved life partner came to me and told me about his realization of how questions can stimulate our creativity in a way affirmations can’t.
At that point in time I was tired of the 'mind thing'. I wanted to focus more on: ‘let's get rid of the mind’ and I wanted to simply wake up spiritually. It took several years of my inability to not ‘get’ what questions are really all about. A crucial change occurred one day while discussing a certain point with Arne. He was asking for my opinion and feelings about something, and I realized that I needed to listen on a much deeper level. I am so thankful that I did, because that was the beginning of a journey to finally make PEACE WITH MY MIND which culminated in co-creating with him the amazing Creative Question Cards.
I discovered that questions are the expression of our curiosity and that Curiosity is a quality of our True Nature which is always evolving and always creative.
I realized that as children we constantly ask questions! Do you remember that? I remember my son Alejandro and how innocently curious he was, always asking questions about everything! And when one response was offered he did not grasp it, he would continue asking until he was satisfied! He questioned everything to the point where I recall telling him not to ask any more questions. How ignorant I was then! The truth is that perhaps I myself didn’t know the correct response to offer him which no doubt left me feeling stupid or challenged. At that time I didn’t know how to ask the Universe to help me plus I didn't know how to support him to ‘receive’ his responses from beyond our limiting minds.

Now let me explain to you what I call 'linear thinking'. Linear thinking is based on statements and affirmations or declarations. It affirms that which already is, period! There is no aliveness, emotion or embodiment in an affirmation . An affirmation has no creativity. We all know that we need to believe in and then to feel our affirmations in order to create what we are supposedly affirming. It can be so frustrating because to believe in something when your mind is addicted to believing in the opposite is not an easy transformation. After having encountered the aliveness and the beauty of Creative Questions, I can say that linear thinking is like dead thinking with no creativity in it. It is a flat, demanding, forceful energy, especially when it is not yet the truth or the experience you want to have.
And here is the juicy good news... when you ask a Creative Question you activate your Creative Power! You tickle Consciousness and right then and there you open the door to your unlimited potential and unlimited responses! And what is even more delicious is that with Creative Questions you also involve your entire body and this is what I call the ‘Feminine Way of Thinking’. I believe that this is our next evolutionary step in our understanding of how our minds and our Creative Power work. With Creative Questions you will experience and understand how your left (linear thinking) and right ( intuition -feeling-connection) sides of your brain are working together.
Let me explain a little more about your brain. Your left hemisphere is what is called the masculine side or masculine way of thinking which is linear and factual. In general this mode of thinking comes from memories or lessons learned in life and manifests in the form of a belief system, which is not fresh or new but learned and contains ‘attachment’. The left brain is rigid, practical and important for our common activities. For instance when brushing your teeth, you have a reason for brushing them in your particular way that makes you feel comfortable.
The right hemisphere of your brain is the side that is associated with your feminine self which is relational, intuitive, fresh and creative. It is connected with your emotions, your body, your Spirit (or the Universe) and it is All Possibilities. The ‘Feminine Way of Thinking’ is flowering now and is harmonizing our both sides, masculine and feminine.
Are you open for more? Let me explain to you, in two parts, how our thinking process works: first the questions themselves and second, the response. Let's play together. For example if I ask you, “Why are you successful?” you can answer from your masculine, linear form of thinking and look for logical answers which are sometimes needed to truly believe something, or you can wait for your organic thinking or response to arise. Your feminine side shows up when you wait listen and, with an open heart, feel the empty space that opens up just after the Creative Question is asked. That space IS DIVINE INTELLIGENCE! That space is fresh, new and free of attachment, so you can gently receive your response and let it go, to ask again - not so much to get responses but to express your curiosity. Like Alejandro was doing as a child, remember?
The more you develop your feminine side, the more comfortable you are in the 'not yet knowing' or listening stage and the more your responses will come from the Universe or Divine Intelligence. This is crucial to understand, because if you are committed to your spiritual awakening you want to be in the Silence or All Possibilities of Life. Creative Questions taught me how, without fighting my mind and thoughts, I could relax and get more and more in contact with my True Nature. This is really good news!
Let's play together some more. When you ask a Creative Question like, “Why Can I Trust?” you can come up with reasons that you learned or already know (masculine) and you can also WAIT and feel (feminine).
If I ask, “Why Can I Trust?” hmmm… let's see… The first response that came to my awareness after waiting in the silence was, “Because I am connected with Source.” Now if I can feel the response, enjoy it, then let it go. I can then ask the question again and this way I will not stop the Unlimited Potential Source that is and that I have at my disposition. So I ask again, “Why Can I Trust? hmmm… “Because I choose to...” and from here I can keep going on and on, building up the ‘reasons’ my limited mind needs to believe in Trust.
After having opened the door to conceive this ‘idea of trust’ I am ready to go to the 'Feeling' Creative Question which will ask, “How Do I Feel When I Trust?” hmmm… Let's see… Ahhh... open, relaxed, safe... You notice by my response that I am immediately in the frequency of trusting!
What that means is that I am manifesting this frequency of trust right here and right now, something that I don’t do with affirmations. And I receive not only immediate manifestation but also immediate Connection with Source!
I like to say that Creative Questions are the Thought Prayers of our days. It is truly a way of thinking that connects you with your Presence and Oneness, promotes freedom and allows you to experience Love and Beauty right here and now.
You probably are a little surprised with this new language so I am going to explain what a Creative Question is and how it works. A Creative Question is an empowering question that directs your Creative Power towards what you are asking for. A Creative Question is a conscious question. What that means is that unconsciously and through habit you often ask questions that do not support your success like, “What is wrong with me?” Remember the question I asked when I could not succeed with affirmations? Can you see how I was unconsciously directing my Creative Power towards more ‘wrong’ and towards limitations?
To my understanding we all come from being unconscious of who we truly are, meaning that we are very addicted to a limiting conditioned consciousness. If you want to change and support your evolution and your success, you need to make another choice! The beauty of Creative Questions is that they are the bridge to the UNLIMITED POTENTIAL of FREE CONSCIOUSNESS.
For example, in using the Creative Question “Why am I successful?” can only give you the responses that support you being successful, something that is in total alignment with the Truth of your Being. (To think otherwise would make one think that God is a failure.)
Creative Questions will open the bridge for you to make peace with your mind, to master your Creative Power and to feel confident in your capacity to re-educate your mind away from fearful, scarcity-driven, powerless separation programming towards your True, free, loving, abundant, safe, powerful, successful, Real Eternal Program.
Are you ready to explore and use Creative Questions in your life? Then the first thing you can do is to get familiar with this new Creative Questions language. It is new to all of us and is what I call the next step in our conscious evolution on how to use our minds and at this point in time in connection with the Universe. Evolving from linear thinking to organic thinking is like the change necessary to evolve from crawling and only seeing what is in front of you to walking upright with your head held high, able to see for miles and miles.
To get familiar with this new language in a playful way we have created the beautiful Creative Questions Cards deck which contains the 52 most powerful thought-questions that you can ask yourself to become fulfilled and in alignment with the Source. You see, with Creative Questions you do not only educate your mind to think success, you also open yourself up to the realm of Divine Intelligence by expanding your capacity to be open and listen and receive from a place of trust and peace .
Creative Questions allow you to love your mind and to wake up spiritually. I love using them!

Based on our Creative Questions we also have developed online programs to help you to reprogram your mind in an easy and practical way. For example with ‘Nurture Yourself With Creative Questions’, you can sit back and relax in the comfort of your home and listen simply for 5 minutes a day as I help to gently and lovingly reprogram your mind with powerful Thought-Questions.
We also have the ‘Expand Yourself Now’ program to help you to reprogram your mind in a much deeper level. Not only your mind can be in alignment with your True Nature but you will also be able to use each Creative Question to shake and liberate the subconscious material that sometimes sabotages your intention of reprogramming your mind. The beauty of this advanced program is that you also have the powerful ‘Recovering Aliveness’ that strengthens your Spiritual Power and liberates your life from conditioned, wounded, limiting consciousness and free you from old memories, habits and limitations. The ‘Expand Yourself Now’ requires a strong passion and commitment for the Truth and the willingness to use your daily life as your spiritual path.
If you are new to this ‘Feminine Way of Thinking’, a good beginning would be to get your own Creative Question Cards deck and play with it. You will immediately experience the opening and freshness of your natural curiosity as it becomes free and alive again.
The way I personally use these cards is by picking one Creative Questions card each morning at breakfast. Why then? Because I want to consciously nurture myself mentally as well as physically as I start off my day. You can also pick a card whenever you have an issue or decision to make in your life.
These Creative Questions cards have the tendency to give you the guidance that you need in the moment. Read and consider the Creative Question card that you have picked for three to five minutes in a meditative way. Next, in the guidebook that comes with the Cards, read and meditate on the insightful and significant information that is available about your card.
I honor and celebrate your evolving aliveness...
Doctor Monica
Nurture Yourself With Creative Questions

Author's Bio: 

Doctor Monica was born in Spain, and following her love to help others she became a successful Medical Doctor with a Dental Specialty, practicing for 14 years in her home country. After experiencing some challenges, that caused her to wonder what life was truly about, Doctor Monica embarked on a personal journey exploring Zen, Yoga, Reiki, Rebirthing, a Course in Miracles and much more including the works of Louise Hay. More than 10 years of searching lead to a spiritual wake up that resulted in a change in career and a move to the United States in 1994.Then she founded “Coaching The Feminine Way” to support women who want to be successful in life and business to not lose the intimate connection with themselves and helps them to not burn out in the doing, doing, goal oriented culture we live in. She co-created the amazing “Creative Question Cards” with her partner Arne Rantzen in 1997, while deepening her own self-investigation with her spiritual teachers who include Gangaji, Eckhart Tolle, David Deida and many more. This gave her the strength and passion to offer her gifts to other people to find real happiness and enjoyment in life.