Attracting and retaining the best talent is a challenging task for all businesses. In an organization, having the right person for the job is necessary for the business. However, recruiting the right person could be a challenge even when conditions are ideal. Identifying the competent candidates from the sea of applications is work of preciseness and needs to be done right from the beginning of the process.

The bellow are the highlights of the Interview with Insights Success a Business Magazine.

Allie Knull is an inspiring entrepreneur and recruitment professional with 20 years of extensive experience, working to advance the recruiting process and to ensure that recruiters don’t end up losing vital organizational resources. Allie is the Founder and CEO of ResumeFree, an innovative technology which helps employers and candidates find the right fit, all without resumes. 

Enlightening Emerging Entrepreneurs

In her advice to budding women entrepreneurs , Allie says, “I think there are so many fear-based decisions because we are used to being in our comfort and safety zone. But, I feel you should take that leap of faith and not be afraid to step into something that’s new or foreign or something that you didn’t think that you’d be doing. There are lots of resources out there, just seek and find your community.”

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