Bodywork keeps you fit... fitness makes you look and feel far more youthful

• Advantages of regular exercise for anti-aging :

Exercise boosts circulation and oxygen use for energy.

Exercise reduces the risk for heart attacks and cancer.

Exercise fans the metabolic fires for weight control.

Exercise reduces stress and tension, and relaxes you.

Exercise stimulates hormone production.

Exercise contributes to strength; Inactivity to fatigue.

Weight bearing exercises trigger bone remineralization.

Exercise helps agility and joint mobility.

Exercise lowers insulin levels and promotes regular elimination.

Exercise releases heavy metals, especially cadmium, lead and nickel, pesticides and other toxic material through increased perspiration.

Regular exercise helps manage glaucoma by reducing intraocular pressure.

Regular exercise boosts immunity, especially as you age. Research shows 73-year old women who are fit have immune response comparable to women half their age!

Deep breathing is a powerful way to decrease stress and slow the aging process. Deep diaphragm breathing lowers anxiety, relaxes and loosens muscles, and generates an inner feeling of peace and calm. Diaphragm breathing strengthens heart and lungs, AND encourages more restful sleep.

Inhale deeply through your nose. Try to fill your lungs.

Exhale slowly through your mouth.

Breathe deeply for 30 seconds to calm and center during anxious moments. Breathing deeply for just one minute prevents the short breaths which negatively affect the blood’s oxygen-carbon dioxide balance.
Breathe deeply to fill the lower part of your lungs. Notice the pop-pop feeling in your chest as unused lung pockets open up. Slowly exhale; your abdomen tightens.
As you breathe in, think of oxygen reaching and recharging all the cells of your body. As you exhale, imagine all the stress and tension leaving your body.

And finally… limit your use of microwaves. Microwaving foods, kills enzymes, an important tool for healing, detoxification, glandular functioning and estrogen metabolism.

To Life-long health,

Author's Bio: 

My name is Jarod Rau and i am the content manager for Healthy Healing. We are a herbal supplement distributor.For a detailed view of our credentials please visit our web site @ .