A modern technology, which has made traditional light bulbs and flourescent bulbs the talk of past is known as LED. It is an abbreviation of Light Emitting Diode . LED is an electronic components, which emits light when the electricity passed through it one direction. The movement of electrons in a semiconductor material causes illumination. Most of the diodes present produce white light, however there are other diodes that generate lights of different color. There are many applications, which run on LEDs technology like television and light bulbs.
LED light bulb has many benefits over the other ordinary bulb, however it has many disadvantages, which cannot be over looked.
The LED bulb is more efficient than other bulbs as it lasts for years( depend upon its usage)
The LED bulbs are mercury free, and the turn and turn off it do not degrade its functional life.
LED lights do not contain fragile filament and tube. The bulb is resistant to heat, cold, and shock.
It is more cost effective as it saves lots of energy. The bulb burns very cool in comparison to incandescent bulbs.

The bulb starts getting fade with time and do not remain as bright as when it was used for first time.
The LED light is not as bright as like other bulbs, this is the reasons that the bulbs are usually recommended for night-lights, corner lights, and sidelights.
The LED light is more expensive than conventional lighting.
The quality of colored LED bulb is not as good as other color bulbs

Author's Bio: 

The author is an experienced Content writer and publisher for Business Development. Visit at http://www.solaislighting.com/ to know more about LEDs and LED bulb with Light Emitting Diode .