Everyone wants to read faster than they do, or at least more efficiently than the level they’ve achieved so far. While some people figure “an old dog can’t learn new tricks” and never try to improve their skills, others are more proactive, registering for live or electronic courses. One of the biggest areas of self-improvement comes from software programs such as the AceReader Pro Reading Efficiency program, and many school systems, agencies, and individual users have turned to it to help them read proficiently both on and off the computer. In addition, a number of companies such as Certified Learning Centers use the program to supplement their live-class speed reading curriculum.

Part of the problem is that we live in a media-rich environment, and no matter what we do, it’s hard to keep up with the sheer volume of information with which we’re bombarded, especially if we read slowly. That’s where the AceReader Pro comes in, providing individuals, teachers, and executives a means to improve efficiency, proficiency, and productivity . That, in turn, can boost a school’s scores or a company’s bottom line, making it an essential training tool for educators and managers looking to improve their own work and that of their students and/or staff.

Proficiency goes beyond merely your day-to-day tasks -- Proficient Reading = Proficient Learning . That means once you’ve unlocked your reading potential, you will unlock your ability to learn anything and everything else more efficiently, too.

AceReader Pro operates using two types of presentation:

1. RAPID SERIAL VISUAL PRESENTATION — When AceReader is in RSVP mode, text is displayed in the center of the text area. RSVP can help you read faster than normal because your eyes do not have to move. The words come to your eyes instead of your eyes going to the words.

2. TACHISTOSCOPIC SCROLL PRESENTATION — When AceReader is in TSP mode, text is displayed in a manner that forces your eyes to move just like they do in paper-based reading. TSP can train you to read in a normal fashion but at higher speeds.

In addition, it provides two essential tools:

1. A READING IMPROVEMENT TOOL — With this tool, you read faster by practicing at configurable speed settings, while the program tracks your progress by the results of your Reading Comprehension tests. These Tests are broken out by grade levels 1-12+, and they will help you break two bad reading habits , subvocalization (hearing the words in your mind as you’re reading), and regression (re-reading); once you have broken these habits , you will find yourself reading 2X, 3X, or even faster. And the more you practice, the better you will get!

2. A PRODUCTIVITY TOOL — With this tool, you read faster at the computer by using AceReader to read and skim text rapidly from a variety of documents and from your clipboard. The clipboard allows you to import text from other applications, such as your favorite word processor and the Internet (i.e. Web pages, e-mails, newsgroups). You can also use the "Burst" and "Sentence Search" features to read efficiently while online, as well as adjust the (1) speed of text presentation, (2) font color, (3) font size, (4) background color, (5) number of words or lines displayed at a time, (6) word presentation delays, and much more.

If you don’t want to select the activities or the features yourself, simply choose the Course Mode Tab, and the program will lead you through a personalized training process that will automatically adjust Drill rates based on your reading and comprehension scores. However, if you want more control over the activities and exercises you do, simply go to the list in the Menu Mode and select the Test, Drill, or Game you want. Administration functions are present in the Network version to allow managers to monitor and track their employees’ progress.

The AceReader Pro also has a Text-to-Speech (TTS) add on available. This feature can reduce eye strain and fatigue, and it will permit individuals and employees to listen to instead of read their e-mails, documents, and favorite Web pages, allowing them to multi-task and increasing their overall progress. In addition, it is an important feature for those with low vision, auditory discrimination problems, and dyslexia.

AceReader’s effectiveness has been documented in the Educational Research Institute of America’s 2006 report (see link below), and the program has won over 50 honors and awards in both the technical and educational fields (go to the link below then click on “Testimonials”), proving its worth. You can take a free online speed reading and comprehension test, as well as download a FREE 30-day demo. And if you buy the product, you will have superior phone and/or e-mail tech support available from the company.

When all is said and done, this kind of self-improvement intervention can make the difference between adequacy and excellence, allowing you to maximize your productivity no matter what you do.

Author's Bio: 

Miriam Ruff is a freelance writer, editor, and reading instructor. She has developed numerous educational curricula, as well as content-based material for the AceReader Pro Reading Efficiency program. Click here to learn more about her products and services.

ERIA Report http://www.acereader.com/education/resources.html#white

AceReader Pro http://www.acereader.com/personal/index.html

Certified Learning Centers http://www.certified-learning-centers.com