Your Attitude is the chief factor in determining how well you will succeed when facing a challenge, block or obstacle. By changing your attitude, creating a Winner’s Attitude , obstacles on your path will be transformed.

But don’t wait until you are in the midst of a challenge to create a new habit of thought, a winner’s brain pathway. Begin now, so when you are stopped in your tracks by a challenge you will have ready access to a Winner’s Attitude .

Let’s start out by identifying thoughts that reflect a Winner’s Attitude. Here are some powerful affirmations that clearly and powerfully nourish a positive mental attitude :

  • Yes, I can.
  • I can do it.
  • I have the resources and support to be successful.
  • I can achieve my desired results.
  • I’m a winner.
  • Obstacles are an opportunity for me to re-commit to my goals.
  • I nourish a positive mental attitude every day.
  • When I believe it, I achieve.
  • My thoughts nourish my goals.
  • Create your own winner’s attitude affirmations : ________________________________

To create and reinforce a new brain pathway follow these simple instructions:

  • Choose an affirmation that best reflects your definition of a Winner’s Attitude.
  • Write your winner’s affirmation on Post-It’s that you place on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, closet door, car dash board, etc…; create a screen saver with your affirmation .
  • Say your affirmation aloud – when you wake up, during the day, before you go to sleep and every time you notice it on a Post-It or on your screen saver.
  • Set a goal of saying your winner’s attitude affirmation at least 25 times each day. Do this for 30 days.

By committing to this practice and declaring your winner’s affirmation with conviction you will have ready access to it when you are faced with a challenge. It will pop into your mind. By stating it with authority in the midst of a challenge – you are transforming that challenge from something that stops you in your tracks to something that offers you a clear opportunity to strengthen your commitment to your goal.

Author's Bio: 

First and foremost, Susyn Reeve & Joan Breiner have transformed their lives by using the tools and techniques presented on their website

They know that maintaining a positive attitude starts with making a conscious choice and then knowing what to do to shift your thinking.

The information, exercises, worksheets and Daily Inspirations on their site are designed to support you in developing and maintaining a positive attitude no matter what is going on in your life. 

They have a wealth of experience starting with Masters Degrees in Counseling and Education and over 35 years of experience as SelfDevelopment & Training professionals.They have designed training curriculum, written books, taught in schools,universities, Fortune 500 corporations and have been featured on radio and TV.

Additionally, they are entrepreneurs. They co-founded A website to help you celebrate the special people in your life by making personalized gift books. Great for retirements, birthdays, anniversaries or anytime you want to honor someone for being special. 

Susyn is the co-creator of, a site offering the information, tools and resources to embody, express and experience unconditional love, compassion and kindness through the practice of forgiveness. She is also the author of Choose Peace & Happiness , The Gift of the Acorn and the co-author of The WITH Forgiveness Personal E-Workbook

Additional Resources on Attitude can be found at:

Website Directory for Attitude

Articles on Attitude
Products for Attitude Discussion Board
Joan Breiner, M.Ed. & Susyn Reeve, M.Ed., The Official Guides to Attitude