In my new book, "Zero Limits," I talk about the unusual therapist who helped heal an entire hospital ward of mentally ill criminals -- without seeing any of them.

I've since learned his method for healing, which involves "cleaning" yourself of all negativity in order to see change in others.

It seems bizarre, but when you take care of your own issues, they disappear in other people.

The whole idea is to love the problems away. You do it by saying "I love you," and a few other statements, non-stop. I've been doing it for two years now and my life is astonishing. I live in an almost moment-by-moment state of bliss.

Once I learned this method, I started to use it on other things besides illness. Since I'm a practical metaphysician and an entrepreneur , I wanted to see if this wild method would work on sales and other bottom line results.

Whenever I would write an article -- much like this one -- I would send love into it.

Whenever I would write another book -- like my new one, "Zero Limits" -- I would keep saying "I love you" in my mind.

What I noticed is my emails and articles would get read and distributed to *millions* of people.

And my book, "Zero Limits," be came an Amazon bestseller -- six months *before* it was published.

But I didn't stop there in my testing.

Because I want to be sure this method works for others and not just me, I taught it to my close friends.

Bill Hibbler, coauthor with me of the book "Meet and Grow Rich," was skeptical. But heborrowed a pre-publication copy of my book,"Zero Limits," read it, and started loving his products and his list of subscribers. Here's what he said:

"Sales for Jan 1-4 were 41.39% higher than Dec 1-4. During the four day period in January, I didn't mail my list or launch any new promotionduring that time. All I did was clean whilereading your book and throughout the day."

Bill went on to tell me he saw sales increase from sites like which he wasn't promoting *at all*.

How is this possible?

How can "cleaning" yourself with a mantra like "I love you" make a difference in your sales?

It appears that there is nothing "out there." The entire world is a projection of what you feel inside.

So, if you feel love, you will attract love. Because love contains gratitude, you attract more things to be grateful for. This is the essenceof my book, "The Attractor Factor," and of course of the movie, " The Secret ."

You get what you feel.

That's it.

At heart I think you (I) just want love. Well, sodoes everyone else. When you say "I love you" inside yourself, you cleanse yourself and you radiate an energy that others feel.

The result: more sales.

Still skeptical?

Look at it this way:

Even if this whole method seems totally crazy to you, what harm can come from you saying "I love you" in your mind as you make calls, write emails, deliver pitches, and go about your day?

If nothing else, you'll have better feelingdays.

Try it and see.

By the way, "I love you".

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Joe Vitale is the star of the hit movie, "The Secret." He is also the author of way too many bestselling books to mention here. To name a few: The Attractor Factor, Zero Limits and his latest, Attract Money Now. He's also recorded many Nightingale Conant audio programs, and most recently, "The Abundance Paradigm." He also created a Miracles Coaching program and much more! For more information on Joe Vitale, go to: