At the end of life, or when a person is near death, we want to help in that special transition through a process of energy which we will refer to as Upekkha. This word translates roughly as Equanimity or "evenness of mind even under stress." It is the goal then to assist the patient near death ("transition") by channeling this energy that brings an unshakable calm.

In channeling Reiki for the dying what we want to call in is the energy of the Bodi Tree. The falling leaves remind us of all that holds us back. It speaks to our fear of pain, death to self, and to ego. It addresses the trepidation at moving forward and evolving. As leaves fall we stand barer and more exposed to the Universal Spirit. We see the spiritual energy of the Buddha, (not the physical embodiment), beckoning us from within the dying tree, offering to be our ascendent guide. The light that shines through is the Universal Light which connects us all. It is when we find this quiet humble place that the universal spirit can shine within us and we can help with transition. This is how Reiki for the dying can assist with the transition from life to death . It allows the soul to evolve and to be transformed into more than we can envision in our current state.

The flow of this unique energy seems to be most effective when it's channeled through the Crown Chakra. A single hand touching the head of the client between the patient's Third Eye Chakra and the Crown Chakra is the best placement for the channeling of this energy. As the consciousness is preparing to leave the body, the need to unify all the Chakras is no longer as critical. Opening the Crown Chakra allows the energy to flow and to help with the transition from life to death .

During this time it is important that the Practitioner remain grounded. Reverence and respect for this process is extremely important.

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By being a facilitatior of the transition between life and death, we are stepping out as it were, out of the realm of life temporarily. In the capacity of the facilitator we are in effect holding that person's spiritual hand as they transition out of their body. Deep grounded breathing, and staying focused will be important as we do this. We do not want to allow fear of death to take hold at any point. We need to remember that fear is negative faith. We have what we manifest, and what we want to manifes tis peace and the spiritual energy of Equanimity. In order to manifest this we first have to have this same spirit working within and without of ourselves.

Attunement to Upekkha Reiki does not require symbols. It is in fact an attunement to the compassionate element of Equanimity or unshakable calm and peace , and the energy of the Bodi Tree itself. We are not treating the client per se, but rather we are acting as a channel to assist in this transition from life to death .

The Reiki Practitioner who with humility is able to serve in such a moment is her'himself transformed and will never be the same.

Author's Bio: 

Reiki Master Practitioner in Frederick Maryland