"Meditation brings wisdom ; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom ." – Buddha

Meditation dates back several hundreds of years. When someone mentions meditation , an image of monks in dark robes sitting for hours in silence may come to mind, but this is not the case. Meditation is mainstream and its benefits are for everyone!


Meditation can benefit your body, mind, and spirit. Tests and studies that monitor brain waves of people during meditation have shown that you achieve deep relaxation and increased oxygen intake during meditation . It even raises your pain tolerance!

In addition, meditation can lower your blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol. Studies have also shown that when you practice meditation, you may have lower levels of cortisol and free radicals, which reduces stress and slows the aging process.


There are a number of different ways you can meditate, and meditation is different for each person. Meditation is a truly personal experience. Finding the right type of meditation for you may take a bit of time and practice, but the benefits are certainly worth the effort.

While there are various types, don't let that overwhelm you. Start with something simple. Dedicate yourself to learning the technique, and see the benefits in your life. If one type of meditation isn't right for you, try another one.

Three of the most common meditation types are Yoga , Mantra, and Mindfulness Meditation . Although each of these types are unique, there are also similarities.


• Yoga is wildly popular because it relaxes both the body and mind. It's a form of exercise that incorporates meditation. Meditation is one of the five principles of yoga, with the other four being diet, exercise, relaxation and breathing.The goal in yoga meditation is to focus on one point to achieve self-realization.


• Mantras are phrases or words that you repeat. When you think of those monks meditating, you might imagine them saying, "Ommmm." This is their mantra. Yours can be that simple or more complex. You can say it out loud or silently while you meditate.

• Those who practice Mantra Meditation believe in the power of words.


• Buddhists call this type of meditation "insightful or vipassana meditation." It is insightful because you become acutely aware of all that is happening, both physically around you and inside your mind. You become aware of all these things withoutJudgment.

• You usually start by concentrating on your breathing, and then progress to the thoughts and ideas bouncing around in your mind.

In order to receive the most benefits from your meditation, you should practice it on a daily basis. The amount of time you spend meditating will be a personal choice. Some people realize benefits in 10 minutes, while it takes others at least 30 minutes.

When learning the basics of the type you've chosen, be prepared to spend more time in meditation. It takes time to learn how to clear your mind and become totally relaxed.

If you're unsure which type of meditation is right for you, seek the guidance of a qualified coach or instructor.

Once you practice meditation, you'll develop preferences customized for your own mind and body. Find your balance and create your own meditation style if that's what works best for you.

Once you make the conscious decision to meditate, you'll find new peace , comfort, and better health in your life as a result. Get started today!

Author's Bio: 

Renee Shupe, known as the Redhead Coach, is a personal development expert and personal coach. You can stay up to date by visiting her popular blog, The Inner Redhead Blog ( http://www.InnerRedhead.com ). Renee also offers teleseminars, worksheets, tips and personal coaching and eCoaching through her newly launched Inner Redhead’s Insider Club. Join today and become a Charter Member during the pre-launch of the club and receive $855 worth of bonuses! Learn more at http://www.innerredhead.com/insidersclub/