The Law of Attraction is cosmic universal law, it underpins the stars and the planets, provides a backdrop for our lives and also of course for that which we think to be one of the most elusive things, romantic love.
The Law of Attraction provides us with the skills to open ourselves to abundance – and attracting the mate of your dreams is part of it.
It is commonly said that romantic songs, happy-ever-after movies, and wishing on a star are not part of our reality, that they exist only in our minds and our imaginations… but is that not where everything in our lives is born? Has it ever crossed your mind that since we dream of a partner who is in happy alignment with us, it can be true since we create our reality?
Our reality is not the "what-is" out there – that which you see around you is but a movie that you had directed, shot and are now showing to yourself on the inner screen of your soul – it is a reflection of your wishes and dreams , created by default or consciously created, some time ago.
And so if the Law of Attraction can give you the skills to attract abundance into your life, including money, then surely part of that abundance is the partner who is a perfect match to you? (A thought here – whomever you ever attract is a perfect match to you – it cannot be otherwise…). And so I think that the barriers to our attracting (and keeping in our lives )someone with whom we can be happy are:
1. You need to be the person who you want to attract – you cannot attract a perfect partner if you are in a place of misalignment, a place of moaning and groaning about your life, of "where's my stuff"… You need to embody those qualities that you want to see in your partner. Not easy, but not at all impossible.
2. You need to be able to accept the possibility that this can be so – and when you do this, your attraction of that person has already started.
3. You need to feel that you deserve this partner, you need to feel grateful that he or she is on the way into your three dimensional experience. Feel what it feels like to spend time with that person, feels what it feels like to be wanted, understood and needed, and accept that your order is placed and that the Universe must deliver!
4. And when he or she arrives, you need to be conscious that YOU created the connection, and take credit for that act.
5. And lastly, a very important point:At the beginning of a relationship we focus on the good stuff about the person, and so of course we create more of it, until we feel our hearts can burst. Then, as we become accustomed to our state of bliss, we allow our attention to wander and we become more and more focused on the little irritations, the differences rather than the similarities between us… and with this shift of focus, we introduce upstream vibrations into the flow of our downstream living… and the result is feelings of disconnection, separation – and one morning we wake up and the magic is gone.
It is up to us to retain the magic – to recreate our relationships every moment of every day by remaining focused upon that which we love in the other person, by remembering that changes which we deem to be necessary need to come from inside ourselves and not from the other party – since we attract that which we are. The tendency to want to "talk about it" is often the demise of many a wonderful relationship… why? Let's look at it: the way to shift something is not to focus on it if we are not happy with it, it is to take our attention OFF IT to give it a chance to move out of our experience… by wanting to "talk about it" we dig it up, make it solid and make sure we get more of the same. Don't get me wrong, communication is important and wonderful when it is about happiness , good things, and perhaps statements of lack… but once you start moving into the descriptions of that lack, and once you start digging into it, you are doomed to more, much more of the same… and your happiness will be in the past.
So, believe in magic – because it exists. Believe in the love songs, because they describe our connection with Source – your connection with your lover is your purest connection with yourself.
Look out for the magic. And it will come.
I am a Law of Attraction channel, speaker and coach, living in Cape Town, South Africa.