I discovered the nudist lifestyle when I was 25 years ago. My then boyfriend took me to a nude beach. I was very skeptical and more than a little bit nervous when we set out that day to go to his favorite nude beach, Pirates Cove in Malibu. We climbed over the rocks and finally arrived at this secluded beach. There were naked people all around, and I surprised myself. I felt right at home and did not feel strange at all. I removed my clothing immediately. Within a very brief time, we were running around and playing in the water. I was raised by a Jewish mother who basically taught me to be ashamed of my body. She taught me to hide my imperfections. For the first in my life on that nude beach I felt whole, perfect and beautiful. Being nude in a nude environment is not sexual at all. It actually helped me to feel more connected to the spiritual part of myself.

At the end of the summer, my relationship with the guy ended and so did my nude beach experiences until I was 42 years old. I missed it. I felt like something was missing for all those years. I wouldn't go back to the beach alone. When I was 42, I rekindled a friendship with some old friends from 15 years before. I ran into them at the Whole Life Expo in L.A. They told me they were nudists and that they belonged to Glen Eden Sun Club in Corona, California. They agreed to take me one weekend. From the moment I walked through the gates of Glen Eden, I felt like I was home. I was where I did not have to be perfect or put on airs. Glen Eden had a family like atmosphere. There were families and children everywhere. It felt to me like I was in a country club.

In 2005, I moved to Florida, and I now live inside the gates of Caliente Resort, a beautiful clothing optional resort in Pasco County, Florida. I am so blessed. I feel whole everyday. I have had 7 hernia operations, and I call them the scars of life. Everday, I rekindle the love I feel inside me and everyday I walk proudly knowing that I AM PERFECT AS I AM.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Linda Kaye, and I am a professional psychic who happens to have a passion for the nudist lifestyle.