Are you looking to feel good and energized when you wake up? Searching for the warrior inside yourself, can you find him/her? Do you dread getting older because you secretly know how you might end up (like your parents)? Then it's time for you to know that whether you're in your 30s or 40s, 50s or 70s - you can thrive in your prime years.
The 65/35 Aging RuleScientists now know that 65% of how your body performs and ages is up to you! Only 35% of performance and aging is genetically predetermined. This means we can change the way we feel, look, perform and ultimately, age. With this nugget of information, let's take a look at where you can start....
The Step by Step process:
1.Get your head in the game regarding new possibilities.
Dramatic breakthroughs in science have created a tremendous
opportunity for people who are willing to take action.
2.Learn about what's going on inside your body before you go out and act like superman / superwoman.Once you've done this, you will understand why, after the age of 35, you feel like a bus ran over you! OUCH! Exercising is no loner fun, it's painful.
3.Take appropriate measures to bring your hormones, cell regeneration, energy, and strength to an optimal level.Do this naturally, taking treatments can actually cause your body to go down a catabolic (damage) spiral.
4.Develop good habits : sleeping, eating, supplementing, and exercising (mind and body)Regular exercise is critically important but not the arduous “no-pain, no-gain” workouts you tried in your 20's. The name of the game is consistency, in everything, including your workouts.
Oh Energy, where are you?
One of the most consistent declining things as we age is energy. As you know, energy is the currency of life. That means, no energy, no life... and who wants to live a life with barely any energy? Energy isn't something you just loose when you're older, it's a direct result of a catabolic metabolism - there are certain hormones and chemicals that decline due to this.
Energy production study
Bruce Ames and his Colleagues at UC, Berkley, found that energy production in mice and rats could be dramatically improved by feeding them alpha lipoic acid and acetyl-l-carnitine. These two essential nutrients support the biochemical assembly line within the cells that create energy. Importantly, Ames used very old (20 year old rats – the equivalent of 75yr old human) and reported that their activity level, after supplementation, matched those of much younger animals. while we can not assume the same will hold true for humans, the research is compelling because all mammals produce energy in much the same way. It is also recommended the addition of B vitamins (B-6, B-12 and riboflavin) as important co-factors in energy production.
What does this mean for you? It means that with wise supplementation, your body can return to a more youthful state, reducing catabolic damage.
Wear and tear, I never thought it'd happen to me
As your body works to repair the damage of daily wear and tear, one of the most damaging forces to that process is oxidative stress. Thus, antioxidants become an important part of a Healthy lifestyle. Antioxidants are found in deeply-colored fruits and vegetables and should be supplemented with comprehensive antioxidant ingredients including alpha Lipoic Acid, N-acetyl Cysteine and wolf berry
Taking care of your cells
The truth is that no matter how well we provide the right raw materials by eating well and supplementing, no matter how much energy we produce, the signal that declines the most as we age is DHEA - a hormone that influences and / or controls more than 50 repair functions throughout the body and brain. In fact, DHEA peaks at about the late 20's and then it starts to decline faster and quicker as we age. After we reach our mid 30's we start to biologically age at a faster rate than we age chronologically. Hence, having a 40 yr old body with the energy of a 60 yr old.
By your 50's DHEA levels are half as much as you produced when you were 20 yrs old. With more than 1,500 studies published on DHEA in the last 5 years alone, we now know how DHEA supports regeneration of the brain, bones, immune system, and gastrointestinal tact.We see how optimal levels of DHEA contribute to the maintenance of muscle mass, healthy blood sugar, and a reduction in abdominal fat. And this information includes safety data as well.
New data suggests the prudent use of DHEA as one of the most important steps you can take to support a younger you.
The idea is to take control of your body as much as possible to keep its repair system fine tuned so that you enjoy youthful energy, enthusiasm and creativity .
Getting off the couch! OUCH!
Did you think I was going to forget about this one? Of course you didn't. You wouldn't expect me to tell you to consume all these things while you sit on the couch eating potato chips just watching yourself getting younger, did you?
As we all know exercise
is part of a healthy lifestyle. Remember what I said earlier, the name of the game is Consistency. You're probably wondering what exercises I'm going to suggest. Here are a few things you might like:
√ Bicycling
√ Rollerblading
√ Sex
√ Gardening
√ Playing with the kids
√ Brisk walks
√ Yoga
√ Tai chi
√ Dancing
Get it? Good.... Remember, extending your prime isn't a quick fix. It's the commitment of a lifestyle of healthy choices, exercise , good sleeping habits , giving your body the nutritional foundation it needs to keep sending healthy renew-rebuild signals to your body and brain.
Laura Grassi is a Cellular Health & Relationship Marketing Consultant living in Pennsylvania. She has been involved in a number of industries, and has been personally mentored by an array of multimillionaires & scientists as well which gives her the knowledge to write on a broad range of subjects.
From being a business owner for over a number of years and mentoring virtually, Laura's life experiences have equipped her to create articles and content on a broad variety of topics of interest, mostly specializing on wellness and relationship marketing.Laura is currently developing many of her own books in an variety of subjects.
Laura will release Celebrating a Younger You in September of 2008. If you need a personal consultation in wellness, send an email to and she will be glad to personally assist you.