It is common for closets to be one of the most cluttered locations in any household. This happens, very simply, because of the function of these spaces in a house. After all, closets are simply a glorified storage space. They are small attics or basements that are used for things that often require frequent access. The problem is that it is too easy to let closet organization get away from you. There simply is not time in your day-to-day activity to worry about keeping this particular storage area neat and well organized.

In turn, this leads to a gradual build up of clutter, and eventually your clothes, shoes and other accessories have turned your closet into a large disaster area. However, even the smallest space can be turned into a haven for organization and efficiency. To do so, you may need to learn how to let go of obsolete items and save space with the right organizational tools.

The first thing to do when you want to make your closet an efficient part of your home is to clear it out. Remove all items so that you can begin to reorganize where they are going to be stored. The closet space may begin to look much larger, and you may notice more storage space than you expected to find. After looking at the items that you removed from the closet, you may be left wondering how it all fit in there. Among the things you may likely notice in your pile are clothes that you have not worn in years. You may find clothes that you could never imagine anybody wearing ever, gifts that you kept to be polite, wore once, then forgot about, ripped clothes that have not been fixed, old shoes, old belts, and the list can go on and on.

Get rid of what you do not use anymore. If you have not worn a dress in a few years and it no longer fits, then donate it. If you have not gotten around to fixing the tear on those pants, either fix it or nix it. You can save yourself many hours by getting rid of the clothes and accessories that you no longer use. When the purging has been completed, sorting should begin. Sort by color, sort by season, sort by formality, it really does not matter; just sort your clothes in a system that works for you. Do the same for your shoes, your belts, and your other accessories.

Now create for yourself a logical system for organizing these groups based on how often you wear the various items. Do you want to store clothes that are out of season in another room to save closet space? Which category of clothing do you wear most often? Make sure that those items are in the center of your closet, and easiest to access. Separate your shirts and pants. You know your wardrobe better than anyone else knows; use what you know to create the best possible system you can. Then stick to it. Hang clothing back on the correct hanger and put shoes in the right place. Following small guidelines can allow you to maintain the system of organization that you need.

Now that your giant pile of belongings is neatly organized into separate categories, it is time to envision it all in your closet. Do not put it there yet, but picture it there. Will your shoes all fit where you are planning to put them? Is there enough space to hang up all of the items that you are trying to put together? What problems come up? Chances are that any problem can be solved with the right organization tool.

If you do not have enough space for your shoes, the solution is simple. Buy a hanging shoe storage container. This type of item hangs off your door like a sheet, and has a number of sleeves for you to put your shoes in. This will clear up space on your shelves and floor for other items (perhaps the rest of your shoes).

Another popular solution is a shoe rack. These products are smaller shelves designed to hold many pairs of shoes. The shelves are angled slightly so that you can see each pair clearly, and the structure allows for the storage of many types of footwear. If hanging everything up is your problem, then sort out items that do not absolutely have to be hung up, and store them folded. If you do not have space in your various drawers, then try using shelves if your closet has them. With all of the products available, there is little reason that any closet should remain disorganized for long.

Take the time to turn your closet from a mess to an efficient space. Doing this can save you a few minutes each day, and that adds up to a lot of time long term. It can also make packing and unpacking easier when you travel. While organizing your closet into well-used space can be a time consuming challenge, it is well worth the effort.

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Get Organized provides you with tips and tools to help you organize your home, office, and any other area that needs organization.

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